
Beadle (izg. bídl), Georg Wells (19031989)
američki genetičar, jedan od osnivača biokemijske genetike, Nobelova nagrada za medicinu 1958 (s J. Lederbergom)

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  • Beadle — Beadle, sometimes spelled bedel is derived from the Latin bidellus or bedellus, rooted in words for herald. The term moved into Old English as a title given to a Saxon officer who summoned householders to council.Religious beadlesIn England, the… …   Wikipedia

  • BEADLE (G. W.) — BEADLE GEORGE WELLS (1903 1989) Après avoir obtenu son doctorat de génétique, en 1931, à l’université Cornell d’Ithaca (N.Y.), Beadle entra au laboratoire de Thomas Hunt Morgan au California Institute of Technology, où il effectua de nouveaux… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Beadle — Bea dle, n. [OE. bedel, bidel, budel, OF. bedel, F. bedeau, fr. OHG. butil, putil, G. b[ u]ttel, fr. OHG. biotan, G. bieten, to bid, confused with AS. bydel, the same word as OHG. butil. See. {Bid}, v.] 1. A messenger or crier of a court; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Beadle — George Wells …   Scientists

  • Beadle — Beadle, George Wells …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Beadle —   [biːdl], George Wells, amerikanischer Biologe, * Wahoo (Nebraska) 22. 10. 1903, ✝ Pomona (Calif.) 9. 6. 1989; war seit 1937 Professor in Palo Alto, Pasadena (Calif.), zuletzt in Chicago; erhielt für seine Arbeiten über die beim Aufbau der… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • beadle — (n.) O.E. bydel herald, messenger from an authority, preacher, from beodan to proclaim (see BID (Cf. bid)). Sense of warrant officer, tipstaff was in late Old English; that of petty parish officer, which has given the job a bad reputation, is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • beadle — ► NOUN Brit. 1) a ceremonial officer of a church, college, etc. 2) historical a parish officer dealing with petty offenders. ORIGIN Old English, «a person who makes a proclamation» …   English terms dictionary

  • beadle — [bēd′ l] n. [ME bidel (< OE bydel, akin to beodan, to BID1, order), bedel < OFr bedel < Frank * bidal, akin to OE form] 1. Historical a minor parish officer in the Church of England, who kept order in church 2. Obs. a messenger of a law… …   English World dictionary

  • Beadle — George W. Beadle George Wells Beadle (* 22. Oktober 1903 in Wahoo, Nebraska; † 9. Juni 1989 in Pomona, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Biologe, der sich vorrangig mit Genetik beschäftigte. Er erhielt gemeinsam mit Edward Lawrie Tatum im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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