- inlet
- ìnlet mDEFINICIJAjaka gusta tkanina za jastučnice i perine; nanking, angina, anginETIMOLOGIJAnjem. Inlett
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Inlet — In let, n. 1. A passage by which an inclosed place may be entered; a place of ingress; entrance; especially, a narrow waterway leading into a harbor. [1913 Webster] Doors and windows, inlets of men and of light. Sir H. Wotton. [1913 Webster] 2. A … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inlet — [in′let΄, in let′; ] for n. [ in′let΄, in′lət] vt. inlet, inletting [ME inletan: see IN 1 & LET1] to inlay or insert n. [ME inlate < the v.] 1 … English World dictionary
Inlet — (engl., spr. ínn , »Einlaß«), kleine Bucht, besonders in Nordamerika … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Inlet — (engl.), kleine Bucht, Bai … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
inlet — index access (right of way), admission (entry), admittance (means of approach), entrance, ingress … Law dictionary
inlet — [inlɛt] n. m. ÉTYM. 1818, in D. D. L.; mot angl. « entrée, accès, baie, chenal ». ❖ ♦ Géogr. Anglic. Bras de mer qui s enfonce dans les terres. ⇒ Baie, goulet, chenal … Encyclopédie Universelle
inlet — 1570s, narrow opening into a coast, arm of the sea, a special use of M.E. inleten to let in (c.1300), from IN (Cf. in) + LET (Cf. let) (v.). In this sense said by old sources to be originally a Kentish term … Etymology dictionary
inlet — [n] arm of the sea basin, bay, bayou, bight, canal, channel, cove, creek, delta, entrance, estuary, firth, fjord, gulf, harbor, ingress, loch, narrows, passage, slew, slough, sound, strait; concepts 509,514 … New thesaurus
inlet — ► NOUN 1) a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river. 2) a place or means of entry. 3) (in tailoring and dressmaking) an inserted piece of material … English terms dictionary
inlet — An entrance or orifice for the admission of a fluid. The term normally is used with other words as a prefix, such as in inlet air, inlet air temperature, inlet casing, inlet duct, inlet guide van, inlet port, inlet valve, etc. See inlet case … Aviation dictionary