- amredita
- amrèdita žDEFINICIJAgram. iterativna složenica; nastaje prostim ponavljanjem jedne te iste riječi [gdjegdje]ETIMOLOGIJAskr.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
âmredita — (повторительное сложение, амредита | âmredita) см. словосложение … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
Sanskrit compounds — One notable feature of the nominal system of Sanskrit is the very common use of nominal compounds (samāsa), which may be huge (10+ or even 30+ words[1][2][3]), as in some modern languages such as German. Nominal compounds occur with various… … Wikipedia
Reduplication — in linguistics is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word (or part of it) is repeated exactly or with a slight change. Reduplication is used in inflections to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality, intensification,… … Wikipedia
English compound — A compound is a word composed of more than one free morpheme.English compounds may be classified in several ways, such as the word classes or the semantic relationship of their components.Compound nounsMost English compound nouns are noun phrases … Wikipedia
Dvigu — A Dvigu is a type of compound in Sanskrit grammar. Its first constituent is a numeral, in the case of dvigu , itself an example for the type: * dvi gu = two cow = two cows . (The meaning having two cows is a bahuvrihi.) * tri loka = the three… … Wikipedia
Sanskrit grammar — The Sanskrit grammar has a complex verbal system, rich nominal declension, and extensive use of compound nouns. It was studied and codified by Sanskrit grammarians over two millennia ago. Grammatical traditionSanskrit grammatical tradition… … Wikipedia
Tatpurusa — In Sanskrit grammar a IAST|tatpuruṣa (तत्पुरुष) compound is a dependent determinative compound, i.e. a compound XY meaning a type of Y which is related to X in a way corresponding to one of the grammatical cases of X.There are many tatpuruşas… … Wikipedia
Reduplication in the Russian language — The reduplication in the Russian language serves for various kinds of the intensification of the meaning. Reduplication is also observable in borrowed words, such as ru. пинг понг (IPA| [piŋ poŋ] ; ping pong) and ru. зигзаг (IPA| [zɪgˈzak] ; zig… … Wikipedia
повторительное сложение — См. âmredita … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
амредита — См. âmredita … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов