Blaue Reiter — Blaue Reiter, Der … Enciclopedia Universal
Blaue Reiter — (Der) (le Cavalier bleu), groupe d artistes constitué à Munich en 1910 1911: W. Kandinsky, leur chef de file, Fr. Marc et A. Macke … Encyclopédie Universelle
Blaue Reiter — Franz Marc: Turm der blauen Pferde, 1913, verschollen August Macke: Helles Haus, 1914 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blaue Reiter — Le Cavalier bleu Ballet russe (August Macke) (Russisches Ballett) 1912 Le groupe d artistes d’inspiration expressionniste, Der Blaue Reiter (le cavalier bleu) est formé à partir de 1911 à Munich. Ses acteurs principaux sont Vassily Kandin … Wikipédia en Français
BLAUE REITER (DER) — Munich est en pleine effervescence artistique au début du XXe siècle. Déjà, en 1892, des artistes se séparaient de l’Association munichoise et formaient la première sécession d’Allemagne. La revue Jugend , organe du Jugendstil, ou Art nouveau,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Blaue Reiter, Der — (German; The Blue Rider ) Organization of Expressionist artists formed in Munich in 1911 by Vasily Kandinsky and Franz Marc. The name derived from a volume of essays and illustrations they published. Other members included Paul Klee and August… … Universalium
Blaue Reiter — /blow euh rdduy teuhrdd/, German. a group of artists active in Germany, esp. in or near Munich, during the early 20th century, whose works were characterized by the use of Fauve color and forms distorted for structural or emotive purposes. Also… … Universalium
Blaue Reiter — Blue Rider, German expressionist art movement from 1911 to 1914 … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Blaue Reiter — Blue Rider, German expressionist movement which lasted from 1911 1914 and was characterized by a commitment to expressing spirituality and spontaneity … English contemporary dictionary
Blaue Reiter — /blaʊə ˈraɪtə/ (say blowuh ruytuh) noun der, a group of artists formed in Munich in 1911, including Kandinsky, Marc, and Klee. {German: literally, the blue rider} …