
dreadlocks (izg. drèdloks) m
duga kovrčava upletena kosa rastafarijanaca i reggae poklonika (nastaju kao ritualni spomen na Samsona), kasnije dio nekonformističke mladenačke mode

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • Dreadlocks — Dreadlocks, kurz Dreads (von englisch dread = Furcht) oder auch Filzlocken sind Strähnen verfilzter Kopfhaare. Diese können sich unter Umständen selbst entwickeln, wenn das Haar für eine längere Zeitperiode nicht gekämmt, geschnitten oder rasiert …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dreadlocks — [ drɛdlɔks ] n. f. pl. • 1984; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Petites tresses multiples autour de la tête, à la façon des rastas. « Le bandeau dans ses dreadlocks, Loko conseille, distribue la balle, félicite » (Libération, 1996) . ● dreadlocks nom féminin… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dreadlocks — 1960, from DREAD (Cf. dread) + locks (see LOCK (Cf. lock) (2)). The style supposedly based on that of East African warriors. So called from the dread they presumably aroused in beholders, but Rastafarian dread (1974) also has a sense of fear of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • dreadlocks — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ a Rastafarian hairstyle in which the hair is twisted into tight braids or ringlets. DERIVATIVES dreadlocked adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • dreadlocks — [dred′läks΄] pl.n. long, thin braids or uncombed, twisted locks of a style worn originally by Rastafarians …   English World dictionary

  • Dreadlocks — A man with natural freeform dreadlocks. Dreadlocks, also called locks, a ras, dreads, rasta or Jata (Hindi), are matted coils of hair. Dreadlocks are usually intentionally formed; because of the variety of different hair textures, various methods …   Wikipedia

  • Dreadlocks — Pour les articles homonymes, voir locks. Les dreadlocks d un rasta. Les dreadlocks ou cadenettes, appelés parfois tout simplement dreads ou locks ou encore …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dreadlocks — [[t]dre̱dlɒks[/t]] N PLURAL If someone has dreadlocks, their hair is divided into a large number of tight strips, like pieces of rope. Dreadlocks are worn especially by men who are Rastafarians. He was turned down for a driving job when he… …   English dictionary

  • Dreadlocks — Dread|locks 〈[ drɛ̣d ] Pl.〉 Haarfrisur, bei der das Haupthaar zu kleinen, oft mit farbigen Kugeln befestigten Zöpfchen verflochten wird, Bestandteil der Rastafari bzw. Reggaekultur; Sy 〈kurz〉 Dreads [<engl. dread „Angst, Furcht“ + lock „(Haar… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • dreadlocks — Rasta Dictionary 1. hair that is neither combed nor cut; 2. a person with dreadlocks …   English dialects glossary

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