Doeskin — Doe skin , n. 1. The skin of the doe. [1913 Webster] 2. A firm woolen cloth with a smooth, soft surface like a doe s skin; made for men s wear. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Doeskin — (engl., spr. dō ßkĭn, »Rehfell«), Wollenstoff für Herrenanzüge etc. mit 40–60 Kettenfäden auf 1 cm. Garne: Kette Streichgarn 14–18,000 m, Schuß Streichgarn ca. 12–15,000 m auf 1 kg. Bindung fünfbindiger Atlas, dessen Grat so gelegt ist, daß er im … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Doeskin — (engl., spr. dohskinn, »Rehleder«), ein dünner Buckskin für Herrenanzüge … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
doeskin — [dō′skin΄] n. 1. the skin of a female deer 2. leather made from this or, now usually, from lambskin 3. a fine, soft, smooth woolen cloth with a slight nap, used for suits, sportswear, etc … English World dictionary
doeskin — 1. adjective Manufactured from doeskin. A long knife was in the doeskin belt that supported the doeskin skirt tightly about her lithe limbs. 2. noun a) Leather from the skin of a female deer or sheep … Wiktionary
doeskin — /doh skin /, n. 1. the skin of a doe. 2. leather made from this. 3. doeskins, soft leather gloves made of sheepskin. 4. a closely woven woolen cloth made with a satin or a small twill weave. adj. 5. made of doeskin. [1425 75; late ME doskin. See… … Universalium
Doeskin — Doe|skin ® [ do:skɪn], der; [s] [engl. doeskin, eigtl. = Rehfell]: kräftiger, glatter Wollstoff … Universal-Lexikon
Doeskin — Doe|skin [ do:skin] der; [s] <aus gleichbed. engl. doeskin, eigtl. »Rehfell«> kräftiger, glatter Wollstoff … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
doeskin — [ dəʊskɪn] noun 1》 leather made from the skin of a doe fallow deer. 2》 a fine satin weave woollen cloth resembling doeskin … English new terms dictionary
doeskin — noun Date: 15th century 1. the skin of does or leather made of it; also soft leather from sheep or lambskins 2. a compact coating and sportswear fabric napped and felted for a smooth surface … New Collegiate Dictionary