- Childe
- Childe (izg. čȃjld), Vere Gordon (1892—1957)DEFINICIJAengleski arheolog australskog porijekla, bitno je utjecao na razvoj pretpovijesne arheologije u 20. st.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Childe — Childe, n. A cognomen formerly prefixed to his name by the oldest son, until he succeeded to his ancestral titles, or was knighted; as, Childe Roland. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Childe — (engl., spr. tschaild), Bezeichnung für solche Sprößlinge von englischen adligen Familien, die den Adel noch nicht ererbt oder sich sonstwie verdient haben … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Childe — Childe, V. Gordon … Enciclopedia Universal
Childe — Childe, Vere Gordon … Dictionary of sociology
childe — youth of gentle birth, used as a kind of title, c.1020, variant spelling of CHILD (Cf. child) (q.v.) … Etymology dictionary
childe — [chīld] n. [var. of CHILD] Archaic a young man of noble birth, esp. a candidate for knighthood … English World dictionary
Childe — Vere Gordon Childe (* 14. April 1892 in North Sydney, Australien; † 19. Oktober 1957 in den Blue Mountains, New South Wales) war ein australisch britischer marxistischer Archäologe und Archäologietheoretiker. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Childe — For people named Childe, see Childe (surname). In the Middle Ages, a childe or child [Old English Cild > Young Lord ] was the son of a nobleman who had not yet attained knighthood, or had not yet won his spurs. As a rank in chivalry, it was… … Wikipedia
Childe — En la Edad Media, childe era un término inglés empleado para designar al primer hijo de un noble, quien aún no había obtenido el título de caballero o ganado sus espuelas. En la actualidad la palabra es obsoleta, pero sigue siendo conocida dentro … Wikipedia Español
childe — /chuyld/, n. Archaic. a youth of noble birth. [sp. var. of CHILD] * * * ▪ literature also spelled child an archaic term referring to a youth of noble birth or a youth in training to be a knight. In literature the word is often used as a… … Universalium