Spock — Species Half Vulcan (paternal) Half Human (maternal) Affiliation Starfleet Vulcan Government Posting USS Enterprise science officer/first officer and commanding officer US … Wikipedia
Spöck — (in früher Zeit für einen aus Reisig oder Knüppeln gebauten Weg zur Überquerung eines feuchten Tales (Knüppelweg)) ist der Name folgender Orte: Baden Württemberg: Spöck (Gaildorf), Ortsteil der Stadt Gaildorf, Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall Spöck… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spock — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Benjamin Spock (1903–1998), US amerikanischer Ruderer und Kinderarzt Spock bezeichnet: Mr. Spock, eine fiktive Person aus dem Star Trek Universum, siehe Figuren im Star Trek Universum#Commander Spock… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spock — Spock, Dr Ben|ja|min (1903 1998) a US doctor who wrote books giving advice on how parents should take care of their children, including The Common Sense Book of Baby and Childcare (1946), which suggested that parents should allow their children… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Spock — half alien character in the Star Trek U.S. entertainment franchise, developed and named 1964 by series creator Gene Roddenberry, who later said he was simply searching for an alien sounding word and not thinking of popular baby doctor and author… … Etymology dictionary
Spock — [späk] Benjamin (McLane) 1903 98; U.S. pediatrician, writer of books on child care, & social activist: called Dr. Spock … English World dictionary
Spock|i|an — «SPOK ee uhn», adjective. of or having to do with Benjamin M. Spock (born 1903), an American physician noted for his books on child care … Useful english dictionary
Spock — Shin tagai Spock Personaje de Star Trek Interpretado por Leonard Nimoy Zachary Quinto Información Alias Spock … Wikipedia Español
Spock — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le nom Spock peut désigner : Spock, personnage de Star Trek ; Benjamin Spock, un pédiatre ; S.P.O.C.K., groupe suédois synthpop ;… … Wikipédia en Français
Spock — noun United States pediatrician whose many books on child care influenced the upbringing of children around the world (1903 1998) • Syn: ↑Benjamin Spock • Instance Hypernyms: ↑baby doctor, ↑pediatrician, ↑pediatrist, ↑paediatrician * * * /spok/,… … Useful english dictionary