
steeplechase (izg. stìplčēz) m
1. trka na 3000m sa suhim i vodenim zaprekama
2. u konjičkom sportu preponska galopska trka na stazi 32007200 m sa čvrstim preponama

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • Steeplechase — bezeichnet Steeplechase (Rennen), eine Form des Pferderennens eine Disziplin im Hundesport ein Arcade Spiel von Atari (1975) eine Achterbahn mit drei Spuren in Pleasure Beach, Blackpool, siehe Steeplechase (Pleasure Beach, Blackpool) ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • steeplechase — [stē′pəlchās΄] n. [the race orig. had as its goal a distant, visible steeple] 1. Obs. a cross country horse race 2. a horse race run over a prepared course with artificial obstructions, such as ditches, hedges, and walls 3. a cross country… …   English World dictionary

  • Steeplechase — (engl., spr. stihpl tschehs, »Kirchturmjagd«), ursprünglich Wettritt quer über Feld nach dem Ziel einer Kirchturmspitze, jetzt s.v.w. Hindernisrennen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • steeplechase — /ingl. ˈstiːpəlˌtʃeɪs/ [vc. ingl., propriamente «caccia (chase) del campanile (steeple)», perché questo era la meta] s. m. inv. (nell ippica) corsa a ostacoli …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • steeplechase — ► NOUN 1) a horse race run on a racecourse having ditches and hedges as jumps. 2) a running race in which runners must clear hurdles and water jumps. DERIVATIVES steeplechaser noun steeplechasing noun. ORIGIN so named because originally the race… …   English terms dictionary

  • Steeplechase — The steeplechase is a form of horse racing (primarily conducted in the United Kingdom, United States, France, and Ireland) and derives its name from early races in which orientation of the course was by reference to a church steeple, jumping… …   Wikipedia

  • steeplechase — steeplechaser, n. /stee peuhl chays /, n., v., steeplechased, steeplechasing. n. 1. a horse race over a turf course furnished with artificial ditches, hedges, and other obstacles over which the horses must jump. 2. a point to point race. 3. a… …   Universalium

  • Steeplechase — Steeple chase Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Steeple chase ou steeplechase est un terme anglophone désignant des courses d obstacles. On utilise aussi le terme steeple. On retrouve ce… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Steeplechase — Stee|ple|chase auch: Steep|le|chase 〈[sti:pltʃɛıs] f. 19; Reitsp.〉 Hindernisrennen [<engl. steeple „Spitzturm“ + chase „Jagd“ <frz. chasse „Jagd“ <lat. capere „fangen“] * * * Steeplechase   [ stiːpltʃeɪs; …   Universal-Lexikon

  • steeplechase — [[t]sti͟ːp(ə)ltʃeɪs[/t]] steeplechases 1) N COUNT A steeplechase is a long horse race in which the horses have to jump over obstacles such as hedges and water jumps. 2) N COUNT A steeplechase is a 3000 metres race around a track, during which… …   English dictionary

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