
tevȅt (tebeth) m
1. jud. a. četvrti mjesec prema aktualnom židovskom kalendaru b. četvrti mjesec židovske godine prema računanju od postanka svijeta c. rel. zast. deseti mjesec prema računanju od izlaska židovskoga naroda iz Egipta
2. prosinac/siječanj prema gregorijanskom kalendaru
hebr. ṭēbhēth

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  • TEVET — (Heb. טֵבֵת), the post Exilic name of the tenth month of the Jewish year. Mentioned in Esther 2:16, in Josephus Antiquities (11:148), and frequently in rabbinic literature (e.g., Megillat Ta anit), it is linked with the Assyrian Babylonian… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Tevet — Tevet/טבת ist der vierte Monat nach dem „bürgerlichen“ jüdischen Kalender und der zehnte Monat nach dem „religiösen“ Kalender. Er dauert immer 29 Tage. Nach dem gregorianischen Kalender beginnt der Tevet Mitte Dezember. Im Tanach ist die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tevet — (Hébreu : טֵבֵת ; de l’akkadien Thebētu) est le 4e mois de l’année ecclésiastique, et le 10e mois de l’année civile du calendrier hébreu. Il s’agit d’un mois hivernal de 29 jours, précédé de Kislev et suivi de Shevat, qui tombe en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tevet — (טֵבֵת; del acadio tabitu en que uno se hunde , por las inundaciones y barrizales causados luego de las lluvias de la época), es el cuarto mes del calendario hebreo moderno, que comienza con la Creación del mundo, y el décimo mes según el… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Tevet — [tā vāt′, tā′vəs] n. [Heb tēbhḗth] the fourth month of the Jewish year: see the Jewish calendar in the Reference Supplement …   English World dictionary

  • Tevet — ; from Akkadian ṭebētu ) is the fourth month of the civil year and the tenth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. It follows Kislev and precedes Shevat. It is a winter month of 29 days. Tevet usually occurs in December–January …   Wikipedia

  • Tevet — ← Kislev       Tevet (טֵבֵת)       Shevat → El 1 de Tevet, 362 a. C., Esther fue coronada reina de Persia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tevet — noun the fourth month of the civil year; the tenth month of the ecclesiastical year (in December and January) • Syn: ↑Tebet • Hypernyms: ↑Jewish calendar month • Part Holonyms: ↑Jewish calendar, ↑Hebrew calendar …   Useful english dictionary

  • TEVET, NAHUM — (1946– ), Israeli sculptor. Born in Kibbutz Mesilot, Tevet began his art studies at the Oranim kibbutz seminar and later went on to the Avni Art Institute in Tel Aviv. One of his most influential teachers was Raffi Lavie, who taught him for three …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • TEVET, SHABBETAI — (1925– ), Hebrew writer. Born in Tel Aviv, he was associate editor of Ba Maḥaneh during the War of Independence. From 1950 he was a member of the editorial board of Haaretz. His books include Ha Mishpaḥah ha Gedolah shel Shin Tet (articles,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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