tuber — [ tybe ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • fer tubé 1489; repris 1842; de tube ♦ Techn. Garnir de tubes (un trou de sonde). ♢ Poser des tubes d acier vissés les uns à la suite des autres au moyen de filetages coniques, lors du forage de (un puits de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tuber — TÚBER s.m. (anat.) Porţiune îngroşată a unui organ. [< it. tubero, lat. tuber – umflătură]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.10.2005. Sursa: DN TÚBER1 s. m. 1. (anat.) porţiune îngroşată a unui organ. 2. tubercul1 (1). (< it. tubero … Dicționar Român
TUBER — a Graeco τύφαρ, quod est, τύφος, seu ἔπαρσις, tumor, non dicitur nisi de rotundo et globoso, et proprie quidem notat tumorem vel abscessum corporis, qui in rotundum erumpit, Graecis φῦμα, φλύκταινα, ὐπόςτημα, τύλος. Inde ad fetum illum terrae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
tuber — (n.) thick underground stem, 1660s, from L. tuber lump, bump, perhaps related to tumere to swell (see THIGH (Cf. thigh)) … Etymology dictionary
tuber — tuber; para·tuber·culous; … English syllables
tuber — [to͞o′bər, tyo͞o′bər] n. [L, lit., a swelling, knob, truffle < IE * teubh < base * tēu , to swell > THUMB, L tumere, to swell] 1. a short, thickened, fleshy part of an underground stem, as a potato: new plants develop from the buds, or… … English World dictionary
Tuber — Tu ber, n.[L., a hump. knob; probably akin to tumere to swell. Cf. {Tumid}.] 1. (Bot.) (a) A fleshy, rounded stem or root, usually containing starchy matter, as the potato or arrowroot; a thickened root stock. See Illust. of {Tuberous}. (b) A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tuber [1] — Tuber, 1) (Bot.), Knollen; 2) (Tuberositas, Protuberantia, Tuberculum), rauhe, meist Muskeln zur Anlage dienende Erhöhung einzelner Stellen eines Knochens … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tuber [2] — Tuber (T. Mich.), Pilzgattung aus der Familie der Gasteromycetes Tuberacei Tuberei. Merkwürdige Arten: T. cibarium (Leckertrüffel), s. Trüffel; T. albidum Fr. (Weiße Trüffel), kleiner, weniger geschmack u. geruchvoll als die Leckertrüffel, außen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tuber — (lat.), Höcker; T. frontale, Stirnhöcker. In der Botanik soviel wie Knolle, z. B. T. (Radix) Aconiti, Akonitknolle; T. (Radix) Jalappae, Jalappenknolle; T. (Radix) Salep, Salepknolle; auch Pilzgattung, s. Trüffel … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon