tópika — e ž (ọ) 1. filoz. logični in retorični nauk o razporeditvi tez, s katerimi se dokazuje kaka trditev: Aristotelova topika 2. lit. celota miselnih in izraznih obrazcev določene literarne tradicije: v prevodu je ohranjena antična topika … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Topika — Sp Topikà Ap Topeka L JAV: Kanzaso v jos ir Šonių apyg. c. (Kanzasas) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Topika — To|pi|ka: Plur. von ↑Topikum … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Topeka — 1 Original name in latin Topeka Name in other language Gorad Topika, TOP, Topeka, Topika, Topikae, Topka, topeka, topika, tuo pi ka, twbyka, kansas, twpyka, twpyqh, Горад Топіка, Топека, Топик Топика, Топіка, State code US Continent/City… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
topic — noun Etymology: Latin Topica Topics (work by Aristotle), from Greek Topika, from topika, neuter plural of topikos of a place, of a topos, from topos place, topos Date: circa 1569 1. a. one of the general forms of argument employed in probable… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Аристотель — Аристотель, Aristoteles, из Стагиры, 384 322 гг. до н. э., греческий философ. Сын Никомаха, врача македонского царя Аминты II. По месту рождения его иногда называли Стагиритом. В течение 20 лет (367 347) был учеником и соратником Платона, а после … Античные писатели
topic — [16] Greek tópos meant ‘place’. From it was derived the adjective topikós ‘of a place’, which came to mean ‘commonplace’. Aristotle used it in the title of his treatise Tà topiká, which contains commonplace arguments, and it was with direct… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
topic — [16] Greek tópos meant ‘place’. From it was derived the adjective topikós ‘of a place’, which came to mean ‘commonplace’. Aristotle used it in the title of his treatise Tà topiká, which contains commonplace arguments, and it was with direct… … Word origins
top|ic — «TOP ihk», noun. 1. a subject that people think, write, or talk about: »Newspapers discuss the topics of the day. The main topics at Mother s party were gardening and clothes. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under subject. (Cf. ↑subject) 2. a short phrase… … Useful english dictionary
Topic — Top ic, n. [F. topiques, pl., L. topica the title of a work of Aristotle, Gr. topika , fr. topiko s of or for place, concerning to poi, or commonplaces, fr. to pos a place.] (a) One of the various general forms of argument employed in probable as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English