UNGARETTI (G.) — Le plus grand poète moderne de l’Italie avec Montale et Quasimodo, mais surtout le plus lu, le plus commenté, le plus traduit, le plus universellement reconnu, tel est Ungaretti. Alexandrin cosmopolite, de formation française, cet éternel exilé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ungaretti — Ungaretti, Giuseppe … Enciclopedia Universal
Ungaretti — (Giuseppe) (1888 1970) écrivain italien. Futuriste (le Port enseveli, 1916), il devint, avec Montale, le princ. représentant de l hermétisme … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ungaretti — Giuseppe Ungaretti Giuseppe Ungaretti (* 10. Februar 1888 in Alexandria; † 2. Juni 1970 in Mailand) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller. Ungaretti wurde in Alexandria (Ägypten) geboren, da sein Vater am Bau des Suezkanals beteiligt war. Ungaret … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ungaretti — This interesting surname is an Italian diminutive of Ungar, itself of early medieval Germanic origin, and a name for a Magyar (a member of the predominant ethnic group of Hungary), or for someone from Hungary. The derivation is from the Old High… … Surnames reference
Ungaretti, Giuseppe — born Feb. 10, 1888, Alexandria, Egypt died June 1, 1970, Milan, Italy Egyptian Italian poet. He lived in Alexandria until he was 24, and the desert regions of Egypt provide recurring images in his work. While studying in Paris, he was strongly… … Universalium
Ungaretti, Giuseppe — (1888–1970) A personal, autobiographical poet, Giuseppe Ungaretti was born in Egypt and schooled in France, where he attended the Sorbonne and imbibed the philosophy of Henri Bergson at its source. He arrived in Italy in 1914, where he began… … Historical Dictionary of modern Italy
Ungaretti — Ungarẹtti, Giuseppe, italienischer Lyriker, * Alexandria (Ägypten) 10. 2. 1888, ✝ Mailand 1. 6. 1970; verbrachte seine Jugend in Ägypten; studierte 1912 14 in Paris, wo er neben G. Apollinaire, G. Papini, A. Soffici und A. Palazzeschi u. a.… … Universal-Lexikon
Ungaretti — /ʊŋgaˈrɛti/ (say oonggah retee) noun Giuseppe /dʒəˈzɛpi/ (say juh zepee), 1888–1970, Italian poet …
УНГАРÉТТИ (Ungaretti) Джузеппе — (Ungaretti) Джузеппе (1888–1970), итал. поэт, представитель герметизма. Сб ки Заброшенный порт (1916), Страдание (1947), поэтич. циклы Оккупированный Рим (1943–44), Жизнь человека (1969) … Биографический словарь