- udah
- ȕdāh m <N mn -āsi>DEFINICIJAjednokratno uvlačenje zraka u pluća, opr. izdahETIMOLOGIJA
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
SE'UDAH — (Heb. סְעוּדָה var. סְעֻדָּה; meal or banquet ; in Yiddish pronounced sude), a festive meal. Eating and drinking are considered as pious and sanctifying acts if their purpose is to keep physically fit and healthy and if the prescribed laws and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Al Ma`udah — Original name in latin l Ma‘dah Name in other language Al Hukumah, Al Hukmah, Al Ma udah, Al Qa , Al Q‘, At taffah, A affah, Qaryat Al Ma udah, Qaryat l Ma‘dah, alhkwmt, altft, l Ma‘dah State code YE Continent/City Asia/Aden longitude 14.21055… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
SE'UDAH SHELISHIT — (Heb. סְעוּדָה שְׁלִישִׁית; third meal ), name for the third meal eaten on the Sabbath. The eating of three meals on the Sabbath is considered by the rabbis as a positive commandment based on the repetition of the word today in Exodus 16:25: Eat… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Khalid bin Udah bin Muhammad al-Harbi — was a close associate of Osama bin Laden in al Qaeda bombings in Bosnia, a country in Europe. He was also in a video with Bin Ladin about the 9/11 attacks. For further information see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled al Harbi See also *Bombs… … Wikipedia
ASHKENAZI, JUDAH BEN JOSEPH — (1730?–1791), rabbi and rosh yeshivah of Smyrna. Ashkenazi was a judge in matters of tax assessment and taught Talmud and codes in the city s yeshivot. Moses b. Joshua Soncino later financed the establishment of a yeshivah (Maḥazikei ha Torah)… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HEBREW LITERATURE, MODERN — definition and scope beginnings periodization … Encyclopedia of Judaism
LEVINSOHN, ISAAC BAER — (1788–1860), Hebrew author, one of the founders of the haskalah in Russia. He also was known as Ribal (initials of Rabbi Isaac Baer Levinsohn). Levinsohn was born in Kremenets, Volhynia, Russia, into a wealthy family. Later he moved to Radzivilov … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gefilte Fisch — Gefilte Fisch, manchmal auch Gefillte Fisch (jiddisch געפילטע פיש, deutsch „Gefüllter Fisch“, wörtlich „gefüllte Fische“)[1] ist ein bei aschkenasischen Juden beliebtes kaltes Fischgericht, das am Schabbat, an Feiertagen und zu besonderen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Members of the 1st Iraqi Council of Representatives — The members of the first Iraqi Council of Representatives were elected in December 2005 under the newly adopted constitution. Election results by alliance The main functions of the Council were to: Elect the first permanent government of Iraq… … Wikipedia
Gipps County — Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing Export all coordinates as KML … Wikipedia