
Àinu m mn
1. etn. narod na otocima Sahalin, Hokaidu i Kurili, o. 17.000 do 24.000 pripadnika
2. antrop. prastanovnici japanskih otoka europeidnih antropoloških značajki

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • Ainu — or Aynu may refer to: *Ainu people **Ainu language **Ainu music **Ainu cuisine *Ainu (Middle earth) (plural Ainur ), primordial spirits in J. R. R. Tolkien s fantasy writings *Äynu people *Äynu languageee also*Aino …   Wikipedia

  • ainu — àinu (àjnu, àinuskī) prid. DEFINICIJA ob. u: SINTAGMA ainu jezik lingv. genetski izoliran jezik u izumiranju koji se govori na Hokaidu (sjeverni Japan) i na Sahalinu ETIMOLOGIJA vidi Ainu …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Ainu — [ī′no͞o΄] n. [Ainu, lit., human being (as opposed to a god) ] 1. pl. Ainus or Ainu a member of an indigenous people of Japan, now living mainly on Hokkaido and also on Sakhalin Island 2. the language of this people adj. of the Ainus or their… …   English World dictionary

  • Ainu — Ai nu, n. [Said to be the native name for man.] One of a peculiar race found primarily in Hokkaido, in the northern part of the empire of Japan, the Kurile Islands, and nearby. They are believed to be the native inhabitants of the Japanese… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ainu — people native to northern Japan and far eastern Russia, 1819, from the Ainu self designation, lit. man, human. Once considered to be Caucasian, based on their appearance; but DNA testing has disproven this. Their language is an isolate with no… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ainu — Ainu, Berg, so v.w. Ainos 2) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ainu — oder Aino (d.i. Mensch), Jäger und Fischervolk auf der japan. Insel Jesso, der Insel Sachalin, den Kurilen und Südkamtschatka, die Urbevölkerung von ganz Japan. Auf Jesso 1897: 16.972 Köpfe [Tafel: Menschenrassen, 29] …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • ainu — AINÚ s. n. limba vorbită de vechile populaţii din arhipelagul nipon. (< fr. aïnou) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • Ainu — Als Ainu bzw. Aynu (アィヌ), seltener Aino, werden die Ureinwohner Nord Japans bezeichnet. Die populäre Bezeichnung der Ainu als die Ureinwohner Japans ist nicht korrekt, tatsächlich gab es mehrere japanische Urvölker. Ursprünglich waren sie Jäger… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ainu — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar al …   Wikipedia Español

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