potpùri — (potpurî) m 〈G potpurìja〉 glazb. izbor odlomaka raznih muzičkih djela jednog ili više autora, bez bitne unutarnje povezanosti, najčešće za orkestar [operetni ∼] ✧ {{001f}}fr … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
potpuri — POTPURÍ s.n. v. potpuriu. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 POTPURÍ s.n. v. potpuriu. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
potpurí — ja m (ȋ) 1. muz. skladba lahkotnega značaja, sestavljena iz znanih melodij in odlomkov skladb: na klavirju je igral potpuri popularnih popevk; potpuri opernih napevov 2. knjiž., ekspr. mešanica, zmes: razstava ni bila specializirana, ampak… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
potpuri — is., müz., Fr. pot pourri Sevilen müzik eserlerinden seçilmiş bölümlerin sıralanmasıyla oluşan müzik parçası Rumen orkestrası Balkan ülkelerinin folklorundan bir potpuri çalıyordu. H. Taner … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
potpuriu — POTPURÍU, potpuriuri, s.n. Suită muzicală formată din fragmente cu caracter asemănător din opere, operete etc. sau din mai multe melodii ori cântece, grupate fără o legătură strânsă între ele. ♦ fig. Amestecătură, vălmăşag. [var.: potpurí s.n.] – … Dicționar Român
Tigala — Tigalas also known as Tigalava or Tigalaru are an endogamous social group or caste of people native to southern Karnataka and border regions of Tamil Nadu. Ethnic RootsThey considered to be ethnically Tamil and usually speak both Kannada and… … Wikipedia
Dasara Elephants — The elephants are an integral part of the Mysore Dasara Festival. The elephants form the core of the Mysore Dasara procession on the Vijayadashami day. The lead elephant carries the Golden Howdah (Chinnada Ambari) with the Goddess Chamundeshwari… … Wikipedia
Elephant Balarama — Balarama is the lead Elephant of the world famous Mysore Dasara procession and carries the statue of goddess Chamundeshwari on the fabled Golden Howdah. Balarama is a 46 year old bull and is accompanied by other Dasara Elephants. Star Attraction… … Wikipedia
Elephant Drona — was one the Lead Dasara Elephants of the Famous Jamboo Savari of Mysore Dasara. It preceded Elephant Balarama in carrying the Golden Howdah. The Name Drona was named after Dronacharya, the great guru of Mahabharata. In the epic, Dronacharya is a… … Wikipedia
Kanakana kindi — or Kanaka s Window is a small peephole in the Udupi Sri Krishna temple through which the great Indian saint Kanaka Dasa was given darshan by lord Krishna. History Kanaka Dasa was a great devotee of Udupi Sri Krishna, once he came on a pilgrimage… … Wikipedia