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KITAJ, R.B. — KITAJ, R.B. (1932– ), U.S. painter and printmaker. Born in Cleveland as Ronald Brooks, Kitaj took his surname from his stepfather, a Viennese refugee from the Nazi regime. From 1956 to 1958 he served in the Army as an illustrator, immediately… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kitaj — [ kɪtɑːʒ], Ronald B., eigentlich Ronald Brooks, amerikanischer Maler und Grafiker, * Chagrin Falls (Ohio) 29. 10. 1932; studierte in Wien und Oxford, ab 1960 in London, wo er die englische Pop Art mitprägte. In montageartig angelegten… … Universal-Lexikon
Kìtaj — m arh. Kina, {{001f}}{{c=1}}usp. ✧ {{001f}}rus … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Kitaj — Ronald Brooks Kitaj (* 29. Oktober 1932 in Chagrin Falls bei Cleveland, Ohio; † 21. Oktober 2007 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Maler, Grafiker und Zeichner, der sich Ende der 1950er Jahre in England niederließ. Kitaj… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kitaj, R.B. — ▪ 2008 Ronald Brooks Kitaj American born painter born Oct. 29, 1932, Chagrin Falls, Ohio died Oct. 21, 2007, Los Angeles, Calif. mingled the impersonal finish characteristic of Pop art canvases with the loose, painterly brushwork of… … Universalium
Kitaj, R.B. — (b. 1932) Anglo American artist. Kitaj was born in Cleveland. He studied art at the Cooper Union Institute in New York, in Vienna, at the Ruskin School in Oxford and at the Royal College of Art. Subsequently he settled in England and is… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Kitaj, Ronald Brooks — (10/29/1932 Cleveland ) (USA) Painter and printmaker, Studied at the Cooper Union in New York and the Akademie der bilden den Kunste in Vienna. Reproductions: His hour; 1975; pastel and charcoal; Smith, 1980: p. 15 / Webb, 1975: p. 423 .… … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Kitaj, R(onald) B(rooks) — born Oct. 29, 1932, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, U.S. U.S. born British painter. He studied in New York City, Vienna, Oxford, and London. In the 1960s he was a prominent member of the Pop art movement in Britain. His works mingled the impersonal finish… … Universalium
Kitaj, R(onald) B(rooks) — (n. 29 oct. 1932, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, EE.UU.). Pintor británico de origen estadounidense. Estudió en las ciudades de Nueva York, Viena, Oxford y Londres. En la década de 1960 fue miembro importante del pop art en Gran Bretaña. Sus obras,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Kitaj, R. B. — (b. 1932) Amercian painter. He was born in Cleveland and later lived in England. From the 1970s he became concerned with Jewish identity as a conscious and subconscious impulse. His paintings include The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg, The Jew Etc … Dictionary of Jewish Biography