Koobi Fora

Koobi Fora
Koobi Fora (izg. kùbi fòra) m
mjesto u Keniji, jedno od najbogatijih nalazišta fosila (starih oko 2 mil. godina) hominida, izravnih predaka Homo sapiensa

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • Koobi Fora — refers primarily to a region around Koobi Fora Ridge, located on the eastern shore of Lake Turkana in the territory of the nomadic Gabbra tribe. According to the National Museums of Kenya, the name comes from the Gabbra language:: In the language …   Wikipedia

  • Koobi Fora — Koobi Fora,   seit 1968 Fundort wichtiger fossiler Vormenschenreste (Australopithecus) von 2 3 Mio. Jahren Alter in Nordkenia, östlich des Turkanasees; Entdecker R. E. F. Leakey …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Koobi Fora — Cráneo hallado en Koobi Fora. Koobi Fora es un yacimiento arqueológico situado en Kenia, junto al lago Turkana. Los niveles estatigráficos de Koobi Fora se dividen en dos apartados. El primero lo forman los sedimentos más antiguos, datados en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Koobi Fora — /kooh bee fawr euh/ an archaeological locality on the northeastern side of Lake Rudolf, in northern Kenya, yielding important early hominid fossils and some of the oldest hominid areas with stone tools, bone food waste, and possible evidence of… …   Universalium

  • Koobi Fora — Parcs nationaux du lac Turkana Les Parcs nationaux du Lac TurKana inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l UNESCO en 1997 pour le Kenya sont au nombre de trois. Ils sont situés sur le lac Turkana, le plus salé des grands lacs africains.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Koobi Fora — /kooh bee fawr euh/ an archaeological locality on the northeastern side of Lake Rudolf, in northern Kenya, yielding important early hominid fossils and some of the oldest hominid areas with stone tools, bone food waste, and possible evidence of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Oldowan — Zeitalter: Steinzeit – Altpaläolithikum Absolut: ca. 2,6 – 1,5 Millionen Jahre vor heute Ausdehnung Afrika, Europa, Eurasien, Na …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Olduvayense — es una de las formas de denominar a las primeras industrias humanas de la Prehistoria africana (que es como decir, mundial). Reciben tal apelativo a causa de uno de los yacimientos más importantes donde tales industrias han sido halladas: la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Homo erectus — /hoh moh i rek teuhs/ 1. an extinct species of the human lineage, formerly known as Pithecanthropus erectus, having upright stature and a well evolved postcranial skeleton, but with a smallish brain, low forehead, and protruding face. See illus.… …   Universalium

  • Homo habilis — /hoh moh hab euh leuhs/ 1. an extinct species of upright East African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics, dated as being from about 1.5 million to more than 2 million years old and proposed as an early form of Homo leading to… …   Universalium

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