- kami
- kȁmi mDEFINICIJArel. u šintoizmu opći naziv za božanstva, prirodne sile, dobre i loše, koje se štuju zbog svoje nadmoćnosti
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
kami — kami … Dictionnaire des rimes
Kami — Kami. A term best left untranslated. In Japanese it usually qualifies a name or object rather than standing alone, indicating that the object or entity has kami quality. Kami may refer to the divine, sacred, spiritual and numinous quality or… … A Popular Dictionary of Shinto
kami — [kä′mē] n. pl. kami 〚Jpn, deity, god〛 Shintoism a divine power or aura, often identified with one or more deities or ancestors * * * ka·mi (käʹmĭ) n. pl. kami Any of the sacred beings worshiped in Shintoism, conceived as spirits abiding in… … Universalium
kami — [ kami ] n. m. • 1845 au plur.; mot jap. « seigneur » ♦ Didact. Divinité, dans la religion shintoïste. Les kamis. Par ext. Titre de noblesse au Japon. ● kami nom masculin (mot japonais signifiant Dieu, Créateur) Au Japon, nom générique donné à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
kami — KÁMI s.m. pl. Nume generic dat în vechea Japonie spiritelor, forţelor şi fenomenelor supranaturale. (cf. fr. kami < cuv. jap., literal, superior; domn, stăpân) Trimis de tavi, 13.07.2004. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
kami — [kä′mē] n. pl. kami [Jpn, deity, god] Shintoism a divine power or aura, often identified with one or more deities or ancestors … English World dictionary
Kami — Ka mi, n. pl. [Japanese, god.] A title given to the celestial gods of the first mythical dynasty of Japan and extended to the demigods of the second dynasty, and then to the long line of spiritual princes still represented by the mikado. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kami — Kami, in der Schintoreligion der Japaner die Verehrung berühmter Männer, s. Japan, S. 177 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
kami — Japanese for superior, lord, a title given to governors, also used of deities; the word chosen by Japanese converts and Protestant missionaries to refer to the Christian god … Etymology dictionary
kami — kȃmi m <G ja> DEFINICIJA 1. titula japanskih plemića 2. opći naziv za japanska nacionalna božanstva ETIMOLOGIJA jap … Hrvatski jezični portal