
kàmelhar m
tkanina dobivena od devine dlake
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  • kamelhår — s ( et, kamelhår) …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • KAMELHAR, JEKUTHIEL ARYEH BEN GERSHON — (1871–1937), Galician rabbi and author. Kamelhar was born in Kolaczyce, Galicia. During his youth, his parents moved to Tarnow, where he received a thorough talmudic education, and in 1897 took up residence in Rzeszow. In 1906 he was appointed… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • KALONYMUS — KALONYMUS, one of the most eminent Jewish families in Germany which flourished from the 9th to the 13th century, especially in the cities near the Rhine. Among its members were numerous rabbis, preachers, poets, teachers, authors, moralists, and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • FALK, JACOB JOSHUA BEN ẒEVI HIRSCH — (1680–1756), rabbi and halakhic authority. Falk was born in Cracow and was a descendant of joshua heschel b. joseph of cracow , the author of Meginnei Shelomo. He studied in Polish yeshivot and took up residence in Lemberg after his marriage to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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