- Barbados
- Barbádos mDEFINICIJAgeogr. država i otok u Malim Antilima (Srednja Amerika), 431 km2, 265.000 stan. (1996), glavni grad Bridgetown
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Barbados — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Barbados Barbados … Wikipedia Español
Barbados — Barbados … Deutsch Wikipedia
BARBADOS — BARBADOS, Carribean island. The uninhabited island of Barbados was visited in 1625 by Captain John Powel, who took possession of it in the name of James I, king of England. The first Jews reportedly arrived by the year 1628. Later on Jews arrived … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barbados — Bar*ba dos or Barbadoes Bar*ba does, n. A West Indian island, giving its name to a disease, to a cherry, etc. [1913 Webster] {Barbados cherry} (Bot.), a genus of trees of the West Indies ({Malpighia}) with an agreeably acid fruit resembling a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Barbados — probably from Port. las barbados the bearded; the island so called because vines or moss hung densely from the trees. An inhabitant was called a Barbadian (1732) … Etymology dictionary
Barbados — Barbados, die östlichste brit. Antilleninsel, unter 13°4´ nördl. Br. und 59°37´ westl. L. (s. Karte »Westindien«), 430 qkm groß, aus tertiärem Gestein (Korallenkalk, Mergel, Sandstein) gebildet und von Korallenriffen umrandet, erhebt sich… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Barbados — Barbādos oder Barbadoes (spr. béhdohs), die östlichste der Kleinen Antillen, seit 1652 britisch, 430 qkm, (1901) 195.588 E.; Zuckerplantagen; Eisenbahnen (1903) 93 km. Hauptstadt Bridgetown (1902: 25.500 E.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Barbados — (Barbehdos), die östlichste der westind. Inseln, seit 1624 englisch, 8 QM. groß mit 130000 E., gesund, wohl angebaut, fruchtbar, doch periodisch von Orkanen verwüstet; Hauptst. Bridgetown, regelmäßige Dampfschifffahrts Verbindung mit Europa … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Barbádos — m geogr. država i otok u Malim Antilima (Srednja Amerika), glavni grad Bridgetown … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Barbados — [bär bā′dōs, bär bā′dōz] country on the easternmost island of the West Indies: formerly (1663 1966) a British dependency, it became independent & a member of the Commonwealth in 1966: 166 sq mi (430 sq km); pop. 260,000; cap. Bridgetown Barbadian … English World dictionary