- oospora
- oospóra žDEFINICIJAbiol. zametak u prvom stupnju razvoja živog organizma; klica algi i gljivaETIMOLOGIJA
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Oospora — Formaciones reproductivas en Phytophthora: A: Esporangio. B: Zoospora. C: Clamidiospora. D: Oospora … Wikipedia Español
oospora — 1o·o·spò·ra s.f. TS bot. zigote di alghe che si riproducono per oogamia, spec. delle Caracee {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1883. ETIMO: comp. di oo e spora. 2o·ò·spo·ra s.f. TS bot. fungo imperfetto del genere Oospora | con iniz. maiusc., genere della … Dizionario italiano
oospora — ► femenino BOTÁNICA Espora de paredes gruesas en fase de latencia, formada por una oosfera fecundada … Enciclopedia Universal
Oospora — Oos·po·ra (o osґpə rə) [oo + Gr. sporos seed] a genus of Fungi Imperfecti of the form family Moniliaceae that is associated with disease of citrus trees and potatoes. O. lacґtis is now called Geotrichum candidum and O. tozeuґri is now… … Medical dictionary
oòspora — o|òs|po|ra Mot Esdrúixol Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
oospora — pl.f. oospore … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
oospora — oos·po·ra … English syllables
oospora — ōˈäspərə noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from o + spora : a genus of imperfect fungi (order Moniliales) comprising parasitic and saprophytic forms with short hyphae, sparse mycelium, and usually globose conidia see achorion; compare … Useful english dictionary
ГНИЛЬ ПЛОДОВ ООСПОРОЗНАЯ ЦИТРУСОВЫХ — англ.contact decay of citrus plants; fruit rot of citrus plants (Oospora); sour rot of citrus plants нем.Berührungsfäule, Agrumenbäume; Früchtfäule, Agrumenbäume (Oospora) франц.pourriture des fruits des agrumes… … Фитопатологический словарь-справочник
ООСПОРОЗ РИСА — англ.kernel disease of rice (Oospora) нем.Kornkrankheit, Reis (Oospora); Kornkrankheit, Reis (Oospora) франц.oosporose du riz (des grains) возбудитель:Oospora oryzae Ferr.; Oospora oryzetorum Sacc. см … Фитопатологический словарь-справочник