- mestik
- mèstik m <V -iče, N mn -ici>DEFINICIJAantrop.1. u Americi, mješanac između Indijanca i došljaka bijelca2. potomak bijelca i čovjeka druge raseETIMOLOGIJAšp. mestizo ← lat. mixticius: pomiješan
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
domestic — do|mes|tic1 [ də mestık ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun relating to people s homes and family life: a cozy domestic scene domestic chores a program that gives some insight into the domestic life of the Victorians a ) only before noun… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Canal J — Création 23 décembre 1985 (25 ans) Propriétaire Lagardère Active Slogan « La télé complètement allumée ! » (2007) Langue … Wikipédia en Français
ladîno — m 1. {{001f}}lingv. jezik kojim govore Židovi španjolskog podrijetla, većinom u sredozemnim lukama, svrstava se u romanske jezike 2. {{001f}}antrop. potomak bijelca i Indijanke u Južnoj Americi; mestik ✧ {{001f}}šp. ← lat … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
domestic — do|mes|tic1 W2 [dəˈmestık] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: domestique, from Latin domesticus, from domus house ] 1.) relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countries domestic market/economy/demand… … Dictionary of contemporary English
domestic — /dəˈmɛstɪk / (say duh mestik) adjective 1. of or relating to the home, the household, or household affairs. 2. devoted to home life or affairs. 3. living with humans; tame: domestic animals. 4. a. relating to the internal affairs of a particular… …
domestic fowl — /dəˌmɛstɪk ˈfaʊl/ (say duh.mestik fowl) noun → chicken (def. 1) …
domestic help — /dəˌmɛstɪk ˈhɛlp/ (say duh.mestik help) noun 1. a person hired to provide assistance in the house, especially with cleaning. 2. the assistance provided. –domestic helper, noun …
domestic law — /dəˈmɛstɪk lɔ/ (say duh mestik law) noun the body of laws relating to the internal affairs of a country. Compare international law …
domestic science — /dəˌmɛstɪk ˈsaɪəns/ (say duh.mestik suyuhns) noun → home economics …