- Babu-alija
- Bȃbu-àlija žDEFINICIJApov. dipl. rezidencija velikog vezira u Osmanskom Carstvu; Visoka portaETIMOLOGIJAtur. Bāb-i ālī ← perz. bāb: vrata i ālī: uzvišen, visok
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Coastline of Malta — North western coastline of Malta. The coastline of Malta consists of bays, sandy beaches, creeks, harbours, small villages, cities, cliffs, vallies, and other interesting sites. Here, there is a list of these different natural features that found … Wikipedia
Petar Banićević — (Петар Банићевић) (born February 8, 1930, Nikšić, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, died September 4, 2006, Belgrade, Serbia) was a Montenegrin Serb actor.Filmography*Karađorđe i pozorište (2004) TV Series .... Narator *Morte di una ragazza perbene (1999)… … Wikipedia
List of localities in Malta — This is a list of localities in Malta and Gozo, sorted by council. Malta Attard (ATD)*Attard Industrial Estate code: ATD 3000 *Ħal Warda (Rose Village) code: from ATD 1404 ATD 1409 *Misraħ Kola (Nicholas Square) *Robbu tal Ħemsija code: ATD 4890… … Wikipedia