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Iritis — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Iritis ICD10 = ICD10|H|20|0|h|15 ICD9 = ICD9|364.0 Iritis is a form of anterior uveitis and refers to the inflammation of the iris of the eye.TypesThere are two main types of iritis: acute and chronic.Acute iritis… … Wikipedia
lē̆ b-, lō̆ b-, lāb-, leb- — lē̆ b , lō̆ b , lāb , leb English meaning: to hang down loosely; lip Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schlaff herabhängen”, also “Lippe” (?) Note: partly with anlaut. s ; besides, but less frequent, often (see in addition lep “peel” am… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
хлябь — ж., род. п. и, мн. хляби, др. русск. хлябь водопад, поток , ст. слав. хлѩбь καταρράκτης (Рs. Sin., Супр.), сербохорв. стар. хлеб пропасть , хље̏б, хље̏п водопад, шлюз . Считают родственными ср. в. н. slamp пиршество, попойка , нидерл. slemp… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
Nigel Coates (architect) — Nigel Coates (March 2, 1949 ) is an English architect, author, and prolific designer of interiors, exhibitions, products, and lighting. He grew up in the town of Malvern, Worcestershire and was educated at Hanley Castle Grammar School before… … Wikipedia
Maria (Twelfth Night) — Maria Maria (second from right) giggling while Malvolio demonstrates his yellow stockings to his lady Olivia. Painting by Johann Heinrich Ramberg. Created by William Shakespeare … Wikipedia
Slump — 〈[slʌ̣mp] m. 6〉 unerwartete Baisse an der Börse; Ggs Boom [engl., „Sturz, Tiefstand“] * * * Slump [slamp, engl.: slʌmp], der; [s], s [engl. slump = Sturz, starker Rückgang] (Börsenw.): Baisse … Universal-Lexikon
Schlamp — Übernamen zu mhd. slamp »Gelage«, mhd. slampieren »unmäßig essen« … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
Schlampp — Übernamen zu mhd. slamp »Gelage«, mhd. slampieren »unmäßig essen« … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
Slump — [slamp, engl. slʌmp] der; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. slump, eigtl. »das Zusammenfallen«> plötzlicher Preis od. Kurssturz, ↑Baisse (Börsenw.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch