ritornél — a m (ẹ̑) muz. 1. v 17. in 18. stoletju kratek instrumentalni odlomek v vokalno instrumentalnih delih: zaigrati ritornel pred arijo 2. živahen zaključni del kitice pri madrigalu, ki se ponavlja pri vseh kiticah … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Ritornel — Lille sats, der gentages efter hvert vers. Trelinjet digt med rim mellem 1. og 3. linje. Særlig Aarestrups ritorneller er kendte … Danske encyklopædi
ritornel — ri·tor·nel … English syllables
ritornel(le) — n. short prelude or interlude for musical instrument in song or opera … Dictionary of difficult words
ritornel — ri|tor|nel sb., len, ler, lerne (trelinjet strofe; tilbagevendende afsnit i et musikstykke) … Dansk ordbog
ritornel — noun see ritornello … Useful english dictionary
Charles L. Harness — Charles Leonard Harness (December 29, 1915 – September 20, 2005)[1] was an American science fiction writer. He was born in Colorado City, Texas and grew up just outside it, then later in Fort Worth. He earned degrees in chemistry and law, and… … Wikipedia
Ditmar Award results — Main article: Ditmar Award The Ditmar Award is Australia s oldest and best known science fiction, fantasy and horror award, presented annually at the Australian NatCon since 1969. The historical nominations and results (listed in boldface) of the … Wikipedia
Andrew McBirnie — (born 1971, Portsmouth) is a British composer, music educator and administrator.He studied at the University of Bristol with Adrian Beaumont and at the Royal Academy of Music with Justin Connolly, gaining a PhD in Composition from the University… … Wikipedia
Шухардт Гуго — (Schuhardt) немецкий филолог (род. в 1842 г.), профессор в Галле, потом в Граце. Главнейшие труды Ш.: Der Vokalismus des Vulgärlatens (Лейпц., 1866 68); Ritornel und Terzine (1874), Ueber Hasdeus altrumänische Texte (1880); Slawo Deutsches und… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона