rudiment — [ rydimɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1495; lat. rudimentum « apprentissage, premier élément » 1 ♦ Plur. Notions élémentaires d une science, d un art. ⇒ abc, b. a. ba, base, élément. Les rudiments de la grammaire, de la mécanique. 2 ♦ (1782) Ébauche (⇒ embryon) ou … Encyclopédie Universelle
rudiment — RUDIMÉNT, rudimente, s.n. 1. (La pl.) Noţiuni elementare ale unei ştiinţe, ale unei arte. 2. Organ care abia începe să se formeze sau care a rămas nedezvoltat; organ rudimentar. Rudiment de coadă. – Din fr. rudiment, lat. rudimentum. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Rudiment — Ru di*ment, n. [L. rudimentum, fr. rudis unwrought, ignorant, rude: cf. F. rudiment. See {Rude}.] 1. That which is unformed or undeveloped; the principle which lies at the bottom of any development; an unfinished beginning. [1913 Webster] but I… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rudiment — 1540s, from M.Fr. rudiment (16c.), from L. rudimentum early training, first experience, beginning, first principle, from rudis unlearned, untrained (see RUDE (Cf. rude)) … Etymology dictionary
Rudiment — Ru di*ment, v. t. To furnish with first principles or rules; to insrtuct in the rudiments. Gayton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rudimént — (lat.), Anfang, erster Versuch; verkümmerte, unausgebildete (rudimentäre) Form eines Organs. Rudimente, Anfangsgründe; verkümmerte Reste alter Lebensformen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
rudiment — index cornerstone, element, embryo, foundation (basis), necessity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
rudìment — (rudimȅnt) m 〈G mn nātā〉 1. {{001f}}anat. zakržljao ostatak organa koji je izgubio svoju funkciju 2. {{001f}}pren. razg. ostatak, ono što postoji kao zaostatak [∼ patrijarhalnih odnosa] ✧ {{001f}}njem. ← lat … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
rudiment — ► NOUN 1) (rudiments) the first principles of a subject. 2) (rudiments) an elementary or primitive form of something. 3) Biology an undeveloped or immature part or organ. ORIGIN Latin rudimentum, from rudis unwrought … English terms dictionary
rudiment — [ro͞o′də mənt] n. [L rudimentum < rudis: see RUDE] 1. a first principle, element, or fundamental, as of a subject to be learned usually used in pl. [the rudiments of physics] 2. a first slight beginning or appearance, or undeveloped form or… … English World dictionary