
afikòmān m <G afikomána>
jud. tijekom Sedera (večera uoči Pesaha, Pashalna večera), komadić macesa koji starješina otkine i sakrije kako bi onaj koji ga nađe bio nagrađen
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  • Afikoman — (Hebrew language: אפיקומן, based on Greek, epikomen or epikomion , meaning that which comes after or dessert ) is a piece of matzah which is hidden in the early stages of the Passover Seder and eaten after the festive meal.Hiding the afikoman is… …   Wikipedia

  • AFIKOMAN — (Heb. אַפִיקוֹמָן), name of a portion of maẓẓah (unleavened bread) eaten at the conclusion of the Passover evening meal. In most traditions, early in the evening, the person conducting the seder breaks the middle of the three maẓẓot into two… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Afikoman — (auch Afikomon, aus aramäisch Afiko und Kamen = vor uns herausziehen ) ist ein bestimmter Teil der am Seder von Juden gegessenen Matze. Er wird während des Mahls beiseite geschafft bzw. versteckt, um als Nachspeise nach dem eigentlichen Mahl vor… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Afikoman —    The Jewish ceremony of hiding the Passover cake may be equated with Hapi Qementu (Hapi is found). In this case Hapi was equivalent to Osiris, and the piece of Passover cake which is hidden in the ritual is Osiris, while the other two pieces,… …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • afikoman — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Passover Seder — Table set for the Passover Seder. The Passover Seder (Hebrew: סֵדֶר‎ [ˈsedeʁ], order, arrangement ; Yiddish: Seyder) is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. It is conducted on the evenings of the 14th… …   Wikipedia

  • Passover — This article is about the Jewish holiday. For other uses, see Passover (disambiguation). Passover Seder plate with symbolic foods Official name Hebrew: פסח (Pesach) Obs …   Wikipedia

  • Séder pascual — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mesa dispuesta para la celebración del Séder, dentro de la fiesta del Pésaj. El Séder pascual (en hebreo: סֵדֶר, orden , colocación ) es un importante ritual festivo judío celebrado en la primera noche de la …   Wikipedia Español

  • Séder de Pésaj — Mesa dispuesta para la celebración del Séder, dentro de la fiesta del Pésaj. El Séder de Pésaj (en hebreo: סֵדֶר, orden , colocación ) es un importante ritual festivo judío celebrado en la primera noche de Pésaj (el día 14 de Nisán). Fuera de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Seder — Séder Repas de Seder …   Wikipédia en Français

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