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hebr. bēyth dīn: kuća zakona

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  • Bet Din —   [hebräisch »Gerichtshof«] das, /Ba te Din, Beth Din, Besdin, nach jüdisch rabbinischer Tradition aus mindestens drei Personen unter Vorsitz eines ordinierten rabbinischen Richters (dajjan) bestehendes Ortsgericht; bis zur rechtlichen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • bet din — ▪ Judaism also spelled  beth din (Hebrew: “house of judgment”) , plural  batte din        Jewish tribunal empowered to adjudicate cases involving criminal, civil, or religious law. The history of such institutions goes back to the time the 12… …   Universalium

  • BET DIN AND JUDGES — (Heb. בֵּית דִּין; lit. house of judgment ). Bet din (pl. battei din) is the term, in rabbinic sources, for a Jewish court of law. In modern times it usually refers to   an ecclesiastical court dealing with religious matters such as divorce, and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bet Din — Beth din Beth Din, aussi écrit Beit Din, est la translitération de l hébreu ,בית דין, qui signifie maison du jugement et désigne un tribunal religieux. La forme la plus connue et la plus répandue est le Beth Din rabbinique (composé de rabbins),… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bet Din — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen wichtige Informationen. Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst. Beth Din ist hebräisch und bedeutet Gerichtshof. Es ist ein Rabbinatsgericht in der Regel bestehend aus… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bet din — noun see beth din …   Useful english dictionary

  • AV BET DIN — (Heb. אַב בֵּ ית דִּין; father of the law court ), title of (a) one who presided over a Jewish ecclesiastical court (bet din ); the vice president of the Bet Din ha Gadol ( Supreme Court of Justice ) during the Second Temple period. The origin… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ḤEREM BET DIN — (Heb. חֵרֶם בֵּית דִּין, ban of the court ), the shortened and accepted form of ḥerem bet din ha gadol. This was the social and legal concept and takkanah originally prevailing in Western and Central Europe that gave to the court of the local… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • HASMONEAN BET DIN — (Heb. בֵּית דִּין שֶׁל חַשְׁמוֹנָאִים); according to a talmudic source (Sanh. 82a; Av. Zar. 36b) the court of the Hasmoneans decreed that an Israelite who had intercourse with a heathen woman is liable to punishment on account of נשג״א (NShGA), a …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • bet — ab·bet·din; al·pha·bet·ic; al·pha·bet·i·cal·ly; al·pha·bet·i·co classed; al·pha·bet·ics; al·pha·bet·i·form; al·pha·bet·ism; al·pha·bet·ist; al·pha·bet·i·za·tion; al·pha·bet·ize; an·al·pha·bet; an·al·pha·bet·ism; bar·bet; bet·a·fite; bet·o·ny;… …   English syllables

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