prôvos — m publ. žarg. onaj koji provocira, koji pripada alternativnim svjetonazorima u politici i u umjetnosti [kulturni anarhisti slično bitnicima i ∼ima ruše sve što je stabilno bez sposobnosti da izgrade nešto bolje] ✧ {{001f}}engl … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Provos — noun a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland • Syn: ↑Irish Republican Army, ↑IRA, ↑Provisional Irish … Useful english dictionary
Provos — Provo Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Provo peut désigner : Toponymes Provo, une localité de Bosnie Herzégovine située dans la municipalité de Livno et dans le canton de Bosnie de l … Wikipédia en Français
Provos — ➡ Provisionals * * * … Universalium
Provos — noun The … Wiktionary
provos — ► masculino plural POLÍTICA Y SOCIOLOGÍA Organización de jóvenes holandeses y belgas de tendencia anarquista, que comenzó a desarrollarse a partir de 1966 … Enciclopedia Universal
Provos — Provospl organisierteHalbwüchsigenbande.Zusammenhängendmit»provozieren«:manwilldiefürdiederzeitigenZuständeverantwortlichenLeuteprovozierenunddurchProtestaktionenaufstören.DieBezeichnungsollvoneinemUniversitätsprofessorstammen.1966ff … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
Provos — Pro|vos, the n [plural] informal the Provisional IRA … Dictionary of contemporary English
Niels Provos — is a researcher in the areas of secure systems, malware[1] and cryptography. He is currently a Principal Software Engineer at Google.[2] He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.[3] He is the author of numerous… … Wikipedia
Say Hello to the Provos — is an Irish Rebel song written in the early 1970s which deals with events happening at that time in Irish history, namely The Troubles. The Provos in the song s title is a reference to the Provisional IRA. The Provos was a popular nickname for… … Wikipedia