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Houl, S. — S. Houl (Houlde, Houx) ist die franz. Bezeichnung für S. Hoyidis, nach welcher ein Cistercienserinnen. Kloster bei Toul so genannt ist … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
houl'eau — (hou lo) interj. Terme de chasse. Cri employé par les veneurs pour faire boire les chiens … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
houlque — (houl k ) s. f. Terme de botanique. Genre de plantes graminées dont plusieurs espèces sont alimentaires ; on y distingue : la houlque sorgho (holcus sorghum, L.), grand millet d Inde, gros millet dura duro ; la houlque saccharine (holcus… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Extinct animals from the Isle of Man — Some animal species and breeds once existed on the Isle of Man but are now extinct. Some plant species have also been included at the end of this article. There are no known specimens of the following breeds of dog, cattle, pig, horse and sheep.… … Wikipedia
whole — whole1 [ houl ] adjective *** 1. ) all of something: His whole body was trembling. My whole family came to watch me playing in the concert. The whole process will take months. the whole thing: Come on let s just forget the whole thing. the whole… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wholesale — whole|sale1 [ houl,seıl ] adjective 1. ) relating to the business of selling large quantities of goods, especially to people who are going to sell them in a store: a wholesale food market Wholesale prices fell last month. ─ compare RETAIL1 2. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Kambodscha — Preăh Réachéanachâkr Kâmpŭchéa Königreich Kambodscha … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kamputschea — Preăh Réachéanachâkr Kâmpŭchéa Königreich Kambodscha … Deutsch Wikipedia
Völkermord in Kambodscha — Preăh Réachéanachâkr Kâmpŭchéa Königreich Kambodscha … Deutsch Wikipedia
hologram — hol|o|gram [ˈhɔləgræm US ˈhoul ,ˈha:l ] n [Date: 1900 2000; : Greek; Origin: holos whole + English gram] a kind of photograph made with a ↑laser that looks as if it is not flat when you look at it from an angle >holographic [ˌhɔləˈgræfık US… … Dictionary of contemporary English