
hȕsarskī prid.
koji se odnosi na husare [husarske hlače; husarska dolama]
vidi husar

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • husarski — hȕsarski pril. DEFINICIJA kao husari, na način husara [prebacio je nogu husarski preko konjske glave skočivši iz sedla] ETIMOLOGIJA vidi husar …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • husarski — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}przym. Ib, husarskiscy, {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}}od rz. husaria: Husarska chorągiew. Husarskie skrzydła. Husarski koncerz. {{/stl 7}} …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • husarski — husarskiscy przym. od husarz Husarska broń, zbroja. Husarskie skrzydła …   Słownik języka polskiego

  • Towarzysz husarski — (Polish, plural: Towarzysze husarscy) or Husarz (Hussar companion), was the name of a type of heavy cavalryman in Poland. The Polish hussars were the leading or even elite branch of cavalry in the Polish army from the 1570s until 1776, when their …   Wikipedia

  • Towarzysz — ( Companion, plural: towarzysze ) was a cavalry officer in the Polish army, from the 16th century. Later this word assumed the same meaning as Russian communist comrade .In Polish army, the towarzysz was a noble who served in the Army. His pay… …   Wikipedia

  • Joachim Daniel von Jauch — (* 22. März 1688 auf Schloss Güstrow; † 3. Mai 1754 in Warschau; ± Kapuzinerkirche (Kościół Przemienienia Pańskiego w Warszawie) ebdt.) war ein zur Zeit der Wettiner im Königreich Polen tätiger deutscher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Offices in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth — This article discusses the organizational and administrative structure of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth ( Nobility Commonwealth[citation needed] or Commonwealth of Both Nations , in Polish: Rzeczpospolita… …   Wikipedia

  • Towarzysz pancerny — Towarzysz pancerny, by Józef Brandt. Oil on canvas. Towarzysz pancerny ( armoured companion ; plural: towarzysze pancerni, or pancerni ) was a medium cavalryman in 16th 18th century Poland, named for his chainmail armor ( pancerz ). These units… …   Wikipedia

  • Poczet — (fellowship or retinue) (plural Poczty ) was the smallest organized unit of soldiers in Kingdom of Poland and Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 15th until the 18th century. The name of a medium or heavy cavalry soldiers in poczet was… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste polnischer Bildhauer — Tomasz Bajer Wiesław Bielak …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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