- introvert
- intròvert m <G mn -rātā>DEFINICIJAETIMOLOGIJAvidi introvertan
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
introvert — ► NOUN 1) a shy, reticent person. 2) Psychology a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings. ► ADJECTIVE (also introverted) ▪ of or characteristic of an introvert. DERIVATIVES introversion noun … English terms dictionary
Introvert — In tro*vert , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Introverted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Introverting}.] [Pref. intro + L. vertere, versum, to turn.] [1913 Webster] 1. To turn or bend inward. Introverted toes. Cowper. [1913 Webster] 2. To look within; to introspect.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Introvert — In tro*vert , n. 1. A person who is introverted; one concerned predominantly with himself or his own feelings. Contrasted with {extrovert}. [PJC] 2. A person who is shy. [PJC] 3. (Zo[ o]l.) A part that can be introverted[1]. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
introvert — (v.) 1650s, from L. intro inward (see INTRO (Cf. intro )) + vertere to turn (see VERSUS (Cf. versus)). The noun, introverted person (opposed to extrovert) is 1918, from German psychology, introduced there by C.G. Jung (1875 1961) … Etymology dictionary
introvert — [n] person who retreats mentally autist, brooder, egoist, egotist, loner*, narcissist, self observer, solitary, wallflower*; concept 423 Ant. extrovert … New thesaurus
introvert — [in′trə vʉrt΄; ] for v., also [ in΄trə vʉrt′] vt. [ModL introvertere < L intro , INTRO + vertere, to turn: see VERSE] 1. to direct (one s interest, mind, or attention) upon oneself; introspect 2. to bend (something) inward 3. Zool. to draw (a… … English World dictionary
introvert — [[t]ɪ̱ntrəvɜː(r)t[/t]] introverts 1) N COUNT An introvert is a quiet, shy person who finds it difficult to talk to people. Ant: extrovert 2) ADJ GRADED Introvert means the same as introverted. The music students here are a very introvert lot … English dictionary
introvert — UK [ˈɪntrəˌvɜː(r)t] / US [ˈɪntrəˌvɜrt] noun [countable] Word forms introvert : singular introvert plural introverts someone who tends to concentrate on their own thoughts and feelings rather than communicating with other people … English dictionary
Introvert — introvertas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žmogus, kurio psichinėje veikloje vyrauja introversija. kilmė plg. introversija atitikmenys: angl. introvert vok. Introvert, m rus. интроверт … Sporto terminų žodynas
introvert — introvertas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žmogus, kurio psichinėje veikloje vyrauja introversija. kilmė plg. introversija atitikmenys: angl. introvert vok. Introvert, m rus. интроверт … Sporto terminų žodynas