- gugut
- gȕgūt mDEFINICIJA1. ono što se čuje kad se glase ptice s gu-gu [gugut grlica; gugut goluba]; gugutanje2. pren. ljubavne nježne riječi, izmjenjivanje nježnosti, maženje, tepanjeETIMOLOGIJAonom.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
guguţ — gugúţ adv. (reg.) (stând) pe vine, ciucit. Trimis de blaurb, 17.05.2006. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
Gugut — Original name in latin Gugut Name in other language Gloegoet, Gugut State code ID Continent/City Asia/Jakarta longitude 8.1838 latitude 113.6121 altitude 72 Population 0 Date 2012 02 02 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
gugutac — gùgutac m <G uca, N mn uci> DEFINICIJA hip. od gugut ETIMOLOGIJA vidi gugut … Hrvatski jezični portal
List of ethnic, regional, and folk dances sorted by origin — This is a list of ethnic, folk, traditional, regional, or otherwise traditionally assiciated with a particular ethnicity, dances , grouped by ethnicity, country or region. These dances should also be listed on the general, noncategorized index… … Wikipedia
Moonpools & Caterpillars — was a Filipino American rock band based in California. The band was most popular in the 1990s. They released three albums commercially, The Pink Album (self released), Lucky Dumpling (1995, Elektra Records), and 12 Songs (self released). Lucky… … Wikipedia
gougoutte — [gugut] n. f. ÉTYM. Attesté mil. XXe; redoublement de goutte. ❖ ♦ Fam. (enfantin ou plaisant). Petite goutte. || « Quand Margot dégrafait son corsage Pour donner la gougoutte à son chat… » (G. Brassens, Brave Margot) … Encyclopédie Universelle
gȑgūt — m rij. 1. {{001f}}gugut, {{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}gugutati{{/ref}} 2. {{001f}}grgot, {{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}grgoljiti{{/ref}} … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
gùgutac — m 〈G uca, N mn uci〉 hip. od gugut … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
guguţa — guguţá vb., ind. prez. 1 sg. gugúţ, 3 sg. şi pl. gugúţă Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
zagukati — zagúkati (Ø) svrš. <prez. zàgūčēm, pril. pr. āvši, imp. zagúči, prid. rad. zagúkao> DEFINICIJA početi gukati ETIMOLOGIJA za + v. gugut, gukati … Hrvatski jezični portal