
hàdrōn m <G hadróna>
fiz. subatomska čestica koja interagira jakim interakcijama, hadroni nisu elementarne čestice i sastoje se od kvarkova i/ili antikvarkova, dijele se na mezone i barione, mezoni su hadroni cjelobrojnog spina (0,1,...) i sastoje se od para kvark-antikvark, barioni su hadroni polucijelog spina (1/2, 3/2,...) i sastoje se od po tri kvarka; primjeri hadrona su proton i neutron (barioni) te kaon i pion (mezoni)
grč. hadrós: debeo, gust + -on

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • hadron — HADRÓN, hadroni, s.m. (fiz.) Particulă cu masă superioară sau egală cu protonul supusă unei interacţiuni electromagnetice şi gravitaţionale foarte slabe. – Din engl., fr. hadron. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  hadrón s. n. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • hadron — [ adrɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1965; du gr. hadros « abondant » et de (électr)on ♦ Phys. nucl. Particule à interaction forte (contrairement au lepton), formée de quarks soudés par des gluons, et possédant un spin isotopique. ⇒ particule; gluon, parton, quark …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hadron — n. (Physics) any elementary particle that interacts strongly with other particles. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hádron — s. m. [Física] Partícula composta de quarks unidos por interação forte. • [Brasil] Plural: hádrones ou hádrons.   ‣ Etimologia: francês hadron   ♦ Grafia em Portugal: hadrão …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • *hadron — ● hadron nom masculin (grec hadros, fort, et électron) Particule susceptible d interactions fortes. (On distingue les baryons [exemple : le nucléon] et les mésons [exemple : le pion].) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hadron — (n.) 1962, from Gk. hadros thick, bulky, the primary sense, also strong, great; large, well grown, ripe, from PIE root *sa to satisfy. With elementary particle suffix ON (Cf. on). Coined in Russian as adron …   Etymology dictionary

  • hadron — [had′rän΄] n. [Gr hadros, thick, strong + ON] Particle Physics any of a class of subatomic particles, including the proton, neutron, meson, and hyperon, that consist of a combination of quarks and antiquarks: see also STRONG INTERACTION hadronic… …   English World dictionary

  • Hadron — In particle physics, a hadron (Pron en|ˈhæːdɹɒn, from the el. ἁδρός, hadrós , , ) Audio|En us hadron.ogg|listen (.ogg format) is a bound state of quarks. Hadrons are held together by the strong force, similar to how atoms are held together by the …   Wikipedia

  • Hadron — Schéma de l intérieur d un proton : deux quarks up et un down. Leur charge de couleur évolue dynamiquement par l échange de gluons. Un hadron est un composé de particules subatomiques régi par l interaction forte. Dans le Modèle Standard de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hadron — Hadronen Fermionen halbzahliger Spin Bosonen ganzzahliger Spin Baryonen 3 Quarks Mesonen 1 Quark + 1 Antiquark Antibaryonen 3 Antiquarks …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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