- hena
- héna žDEFINICIJAETIMOLOGIJAnjem. Henna ← arap. ḥinnā̕
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
hena — s. f. 1. [Botânica] Arbusto da família das litráceas nativo do norte de África. 2. Tintura preparada com o pó seco das folhas desse arbusto, e que se utiliza, entre outras coisas, para fazer desenhos na pele. ‣ Etimologia: árabe hinna … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Hena — One of the cities of Mesopotamia destroyed by sennacherib (2 Kings 18:34; 19:13). It is identified with the modern Anah, lying on the right bank of the Euphrates, not far from Sepharvaim … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Hena — indischer Name, Bedeutung: Blume … Deutsch namen
hena — n. type of plant; reddish orange dye or cosmetic made from this plant; traditional Middle Eastern pre wedding celebration honoring a bride and groom … English contemporary dictionary
héna — e ž (ẹ̑) bot. okrasni tropski grm z belimi ali rožnatimi cveti, Lawsonia inermis: prijeten vonj po heni // kozm. rdečkasto rjavo barvilo iz listov te rastline: s heno pobarvani lasje … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
hena — v ( de, t) TEKNIK bryna, slipa … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
hena ceremony — ceremony performed by oriental and middle eastern cultures in which henna is smeared on the hand of a bride to be as a symbol of health and fertility … English contemporary dictionary
ALCA`LA DE HENA`RES — (14), a town in Spain, the birthplace of Cervantes, 21 m. E. of Madrid, long the seat of a famous university founded by Cardinal Ximenes … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
hennaed — hen·naed || henÉ™d adj. colored, dyed (with henna) hen·na || henÉ™ n. lawsonia inermism, type of shrub found in the Middle East with aromatic reddish brown or white flowers; reddish orange dye or cosmetic made from the dried and crushed leaves… … English contemporary dictionary
henna — hen·na || henÉ™ n. lawsonia inermism, type of shrub found in the Middle East with aromatic reddish brown or white flowers; reddish orange dye or cosmetic made from the dried and crushed leaves of this shrub; strong or mild reddish brown color;… … English contemporary dictionary