- Heyrovsky
- Heyrovsky (izg. hèjrovski), Jaroslav (1890—1967)DEFINICIJAčeški kemičar, izumitelj polarografije, Nobelova nagrada 1959.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
HEYROVSKY (J.) — HEYROVSKY JAROSLAV (1890 1967) Chimiste tchèque, Jaroslav Heyrovsky reçut le prix Nobel de chimie en 1959 pour sa découverte de la polarographie. Né à Prague, où il passa sa vie, Heyrovsky était le fils d’un professeur de droit de l’université… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Heyrovský — [ hɛjrɔfski], Jaroslav, tschechischer Physikochemiker, * Prag 20. 12. 1890, ✝ ebenda 27. 3. 1967; war 1922 54 Professor in Prag, 1950 63 Direktor des dortigen polarographischen Instituts. Heyrovský erfand um 1925 die Polarographie, klärte ihre… … Universal-Lexikon
Heyrovský — Heyrovský, Jaroslav … Enciclopedia Universal
Heyrovský — [hā′rôf΄skē] Jaroslav [yä′rō släf΄] 1890 1967; Czech chemist … English World dictionary
Heyrovský — Jaroslav Heyrovský (* 20. Dezember 1890 in Prag; † 27. März 1967 ebenfalls in Prag) war ein tschechischer Physikochemiker. Sein bedeutendster Beitrag zur Wissenschaft war die Entwicklung der Polarographie. Dafür erhielt er 1959 den Nobelpreis für … Deutsch Wikipedia
Heyrovsky — noun Czechoslovakian chemist who developed polarography (1890 1967) • Syn: ↑Joroslav Heyrovsky • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist * * * /hay rddawf skee/, n. Jaroslav /yah rddaw slahf/ 1890 1967, Czech chemist: Nobel prize 1959 … Useful english dictionary
Heyrovský, Jaroslav — ▪ Czech chemist born Dec. 20, 1890, Prague, Bohemia, Austro Hungarian Empire [now in Czech Republic] died March 27, 1967, Prague, Czech. Czech chemist who received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1959 for his discovery and development of… … Universalium
Heyrovský , Jaroslav — (1890–1967) Czech physical chemist Heyrovský, the son of an academic lawyer, was educated at Charles University in his native Prague and at University College, London. He joined the staff of Charles University in 1919 where he served as professor … Scientists
Heyrovsky (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=39.6 N or S=S longitude=95.3 E or W=W diameter=16 km depth= Unknown colong=96 eponym=Jaroslav HeyrovskýHeyrovsky is a small lunar impact crater on the far side of the Moon. This crater lies just beyond the southwestern… … Wikipedia
Heyrovský — /hay rddawf skee/, n. Jaroslav /yah rddaw slahf/ 1890 1967, Czech chemist: Nobel prize 1959. * * * … Universalium