Gottfried von Strassburg

Gottfried von Strassburg
Gottfried von Strassburg (izg. gòtfrid fon štràzburg) (?—o.1210)
njemački pjesnik; u nedovršenom epu Tristan i Izolda dosiže vrhunac srednjovjekovne njemačke viteške književnosti

Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.

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  • Gottfried von Strassburg — (died c. 1210) is the author of the Middle High German courtly romance Tristan , which is regarded, alongside Wolfram von Eschenbach s Parzival and the Nibelungenlied , as one of the great narrative masterpieces of the German Middle Ages. He is… …   Wikipedia

  • Gottfried von Strassburg — (ca. 1180–ca. 1220)    Although we know next to nothing about the Middle High German poet Gottfried von Strassburg, he certainly enjoys the greatest respect for his TRISTAN ROMANCE (ca. 1210), which easily proves to be the best version of the… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Gottfried von Strassburg — flourished с 1210 German poet, one of the greatest of the Middle Ages. Little is known of his life. His courtly epic Tristan und Isolde (с 1210) is the classic version of the famous love story. The unfinished poem is based on an Anglo Norman… …   Universalium

  • Gottfried von Strassburg — Gottfried von Straßburg († um 1215) war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Dichter des Mittelalters, lebte Ende des 12. und Anfang des 13. Jahrhunderts, war Zeitgenosse von Hartmann von Aue, Wolfram von Eschenbach und Walther von der Vogelweide.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gottfried von Strassburg — Gottfried von Straßburg Gottfried von Straßburg Gottfried von Straßburg (né à Strasbourg vers 1180 vers 1215) était l un des meilleurs poètes allemands du Moyen Âge. Les dates de sa naissance et de sa mort sont inconnues, mais il …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gottfried von Strassburg — Gott•fried von Strass•burg [[t]ˈgɔtˌfrit fɔn ˈʃtrɑsˌbʊərk[/t]] n. big fl. 1210, German poet …   From formal English to slang

  • Gottfried von Strassburg — /ˌgɒtfrid fɒn ˈʃtrasbʊəg/ (say .gotfreed fon shtrahsboouhg) noun c.1170–c.1215, medieval German poet; his incomplete version of Tristan and Isolde became the basis of Wagner s opera …  

  • Strassburg, Gottfried von — (floreció 1210). Poeta alemán, uno de los más importantes de la Edad Media. Poco se sabe de su vida. Su poema épico cortesano Tristán e Isolda ( 1210) es la versión clásica de esa famosa historia de amor. El poema, que no fue terminado, está… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gottfried von Droste — (1908 1992) , a.k.a. Gottfried von Droste zu Vischering Padberg, was a German physical chemist. He worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Chemistry. He independently predicted that nuclear fission would release a large amount of energy. During …   Wikipedia

  • von — /von/; Ger. /fawn/, unstressed /feuhn/, prep. from; of (used in German and Austrian personal names, originally to indicate place of origin and later to indicate nobility): Paul von Hindenburg. * * * (as used in expressions) Friedrich Leopold… …   Universalium

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