shut with noise

  • 31crash — I [[t]kræʃ[/t]] v. i. 1) to make a loud, clattering noise, as of something dashed to pieces 2) to break or fall to pieces with noise 3) (of moving objects) to collide, esp. violently and noisily 4) to strike with a crash 5) aer. to land an… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 32Suvarnabhumi Airport — For other meanings of BKK, see BKK (disambiguation). Suvarnabhumi Airport ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ (Sanskrit: Suvarṇa – Gold, Bhūmi – Land) …


  • 33flap — flapless, adj. /flap/, v., flapped, flapping, n. v.i. 1. to swing or sway back and forth loosely, esp. with noise: A loose shutter flapped outside the window. 2. to move up and down, as wings; flap the wings, or make similar movements. 3. to… …


  • 34flap — [[t]flæp[/t]] v. flapped, flap•ping, n. 1) to swing or sway back and forth loosely, esp. with noise 2) to move up and down, as wings or arms 3) to strike a blow with something broad and flexible 4) cvb sts Slang. to talk in a foolish manner;… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 35flap — [c]/flæp / (say flap) verb (flapped, flapping) –verb (i) 1. to swing or sway about loosely, especially with noise: a curtain or flag flaps in the wind. 2. to move up and down, as wings; flap the wings, or make similar movements. 3. to strike a… …

  • 36Thomas Bernard Brigham — 1985] although he said that he had nothing against the Pope because was going to be our ambassador against the Communists .LifeA native of Rochester, New York who had served as an Air Force navigator who flew 24 missions during the Second World… …


  • 37slam — 1. verb /slam/ a) To shut with sudden force so as to produce a shock and noise. Dont slam the door! b) To put in or on a particular place with force and loud noise. (Often followed by a preposition such as down, against or into.) Dont slam that… …


  • 38slam — slam1 /slam/, v., slammed, slamming, n. v.t., v.i. 1. to shut with force and noise: to slam the door. 2. to dash, strike, knock, thrust, throw, slap down, etc., with violent and noisy impact: He slammed his books upon the table. 3. Informal. to… …


  • 39хлопать — ХЛОПАТЬ1, несов. (сов. хлопнуть), что. Употр. преим. в сов. Разг. сниж. Пить (выпить) спиртные напитки сразу, одним глотком, за один раз [impf. folk. * to knock back, drink quickly]. Василий Артемьевич налил себе самую большую рюмку водки,… …

    Большой толковый словарь русских глаголов

  • 40History of whaling — The history of whaling is very extensive, stretching back for millennia. This article discusses the history of whaling up to the commencement of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986. Prehistoric to… …
