shut with noise

  • 11List of Xbox games compatible with Xbox 360 — This is a list of Xbox games that are compatible with the Xbox 360. Additionally, the manner in which compatibility is achieved and the software errors associated with it are discussed in brief. This list is final as Microsoft confirmed in… …


  • 12Cruising with Ruben & the Jets — Cruising with Ruben the Jets …


  • 13List of films with unexposed contents — Unexposed contents is a film device originally used primarily in Avant garde film but that has penetrated into the mainstream during the 1980s and 1990s. A container is shown by the author/director, but the contents are intentionally never… …


  • 14slam — v. a. Bang, shut with noise …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 15Environmental impact of wind power — Livestock ignore wind turbines,[1] and continue to graze as they did before wind turbines were installed. Compared to the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor. Wind power… …


  • 16slam — slam1 [slam] vt. slammed, slamming [prob. < Scand, as in Norw dial. slamra, slemma] 1. to shut or allow to shut with force and noise [to slam a door] 2. to hit, throw, or put in place or action with force and noise [to slam a baseball over the …

    English World dictionary

  • 17The Shining (film) — The Shining Theatrical release poster Directed by Stanley Kubrick Produced by Stanle …


  • 18Amaterasu — nihongo|Amaterasu|天照, nihongo|Amaterasu ōmikami|天照大神 / 天照大御神 or nihongo|Ōhiru menomuchi no kami|大日孁貴神 is in Japanese mythology a sun goddess and perhaps the most important Shinto nihongo|deity|神|kami. Her name, Amaterasu , means literally (that… …


  • 19slam — I [[t]slæm[/t]] v. slammed, slam•ming, n. 1) to shut with force and noise: to slam the door[/ex] 2) to dash, strike, throw, etc., with violent, noisy impact: She slammed the book on the table[/ex] 3) to hit, push, block, etc., so as to cause a… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 20Walkman — This article is about the Walkman brand. For information about the generic item, see Personal stereo. Walkman Walkman Line up in USA (2011) …
