pay respect to
1pay respect to — index defer (yield in judgment) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2pay respect to — honor, give respect to …
3pay honor to — pay respect to, make a gesture of respect to …
4Respect — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Respect >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 respect respect regard consideration Sgm: N 1 courtesy courtesy &c. 894 Sgm: N 1 attention attention deference reverence honor esteem …
5Pay for performance (healthcare) — Pay for performance is an emerging movement in health insurance (initially in Britain and United States). Providers under this arrangement are rewarded for meeting pre established targets for delivery of healthcare services. This is a fundamental …
6pay — ► VERB (past and past part. paid) 1) give (someone) money due for work, goods, or an outstanding debt. 2) give (a sum of money) thus owed. 3) be profitable or advantageous: crime doesn t pay. 4) suffer a loss or misfortune as a consequence of an… …
7respect — [ri spekt′] vt. [< L respectus, pp. of respicere, to look at, look back on, respect < re , back + specere, to look at: see SPY] 1. a) to feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard b) to consider or treat with deference or dutiful …
8pay your respects — formal : to visit or speak with someone in a polite way as a sign of respect I went up to her after the meeting and paid my respects. We paid our last respects at his funeral. [=we went to his funeral as a sign of respect] • • • Main Entry: ↑pay …
9respect — [n1] admiration given by others account, adoration, appreciation, approbation, awe, consideration, courtesy, deference, dignity, esteem, estimation, favor, fear, homage, honor, obeisance, ovation, recognition, regard, repute, reverence,… …
10pay tribute to someone — pay tribute/homage/to someone phrase to say or do something that shows you respect and admire someone a lot We are here tonight to pay tribute to one of the greatest actors of all time. Thesaurus: to praise someone or somethingsynonym Main en …