make progress

  • 31progress — 1. noun 1) snow made progress difficult Syn: (forward) movement, advance, going, headway, passage 2) scientific progress Syn: development, advance, advancement, headway, step forward …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 32make headway — Synonyms and related words: achieve success, advance, ameliorate, amend, arrive, be a success, break through, come along, come on, come through, cover ground, cut a swath, develop, do well, enjoy prosperity, farewell, foot, gain, gain ground,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 33make — I UK [meɪk] / US verb Word forms make : present tense I/you/we/they make he/she/it makes present participle making past tense made UK [meɪd] / US past participle made *** Get it right: make: When make means to cause or force someone to do… …

    English dictionary

  • 34make — v. & n. v. (past and past part. made) 1 tr. construct; create; form from parts or other substances (made a table; made it out of cardboard; made him a sweater). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) cause or compel (a person etc.) to do something (make… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 35make — verb (makes, making, made) 1》 form by putting parts together or combining substances.     ↘(make something into) alter something so that it forms (something else).     ↘arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use.     ↘Electronics complete …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 36progress — I UK [ˈprəʊɡres] / US [ˈprɑɡrəs] noun [uncountable] *** Get it right: progress: Progress is an uncountable noun, and so: ▪  it never comes after a ▪  it is never used in the plural Wrong: The 20th century has brought about a tremendous progress… …

    English dictionary

  • 37progress — pro|gress1 [ pragrəs ] noun uncount *** 1. ) the process of developing or improving: I m worried about my son s lack of progress in English. progress of: Keep me informed of the progress of the project. progress toward: The party called for… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 38make way — verb get out of the way (Freq. 3) make way for the President s motorcade • Hypernyms: ↑move • Verb Frames: Somebody s * * * MOVE ASIDE, clear the way, make a space, make room, stand back. → make * * * …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 39progress — ♦♦ progresses, progressing, progressed (The noun is pronounced [[t]pro͟ʊgres, AM prɑ͟ː [/t]]u>. The verb is pronounced [[t]prəgre̱s[/t]]u>.) 1) N UNCOUNT Progress is the process of gradually improving or getting nearer to achieving or… …

    English dictionary

  • 40progress — 1 noun 1 (U) the process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something (+ of/on/towards): Nico had been candid with Stern about the progress of the investigation. | tests designed to monitor the… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English