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1Clear Speech: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English (2012)
Clear Speech, the world's favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech, Fourth Edition, Student's Book provides easy-to-follow… 1712 руб2Clear Speech Student`s Book. Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English , Джуди Б. Гилберт (2012)
Clear Speech, the world`s favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech, Fourth Edition, Student`s Book provides easy-to-follow… 2215 грн (только Украина)3Clear Speech. Teacher`s resource book: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in American English , Gilbert Judy B. (1993)
Clear Speech, Second Edition, is a highly successful and innovative pronunciation course for intermediate and advanced students of English. The Teacher`s Resource Book contains an overview of the… 1329 грн (только Украина)4Clear Speech Teacher&# 039;s Resource and Assessment Book: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English , Джуди Б. Гилберт (2012)
От издателя:Clear Speech, the world&# 039;s favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech, Fourth Edition, Teacher&#… 424 грн (только Украина)5Clear Speech from the Start. Student&# 039;s Book. Basic Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English , Джуди Б. Гилберт (2012)
От издателя:Clear Speech, the world&# 039;s favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech From the Start, Second… 477 грн (только Украина)6Clear Speech Student&# 039;s Book. Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English , Джуди Б. Гилберт (2012)
От издателя:Clear Speech, the world&# 039;s favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech, Fourth Edition, Student&#… 477 грн (только Украина)7Clear Speech from the Start Class and Assessment Audio CDs (4 CD) , Джуди Б. Гилберт (2012)
От издателя:Clear Speech, the world&# 039;s favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech From the Start, Second… 614 грн (только Украина)8Clear the Track! A Story of To-day , E. Werner
руб электронная книга9Assessment Clear and Simple. A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education , Banta Trudy W.
The first edition of Assessment Clear and Simple quickly became the essential go-to guide for anyone who participates in the assessment process in higher education. With the increased pressure to… 2731.66 руб электронная книга10Crystal Clear. The Struggle for Reliable Communications Technology in World War II , Richard J. Thompson, Jr.
Quartz crystal-a technology that changed the tide of World War II Some of the defining leaps in technology in the twentieth century occurred during the Second World War, from radar to nuclear energy… 5459.42 руб электронная книга