Blow or breathe upon

  • 51in|suf|flate — «ihn SUHF layt, IHN suh flayt», transitive verb, flat|ed, flat|ing. 1. to blow or breathe in or upon. 2. Medicine. a) to blow (air or gas) into some opening of the body. b) to treat by insufflation: »to insufflate the lungs of a newborn baby …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 52insufflate — 1 Med. a blow or breathe (air, gas, powder, etc.) into a cavity of the body etc. b treat (the nose etc.) in this way. 2 Theol. blow or breathe on (a person) to symbolize spiritual influence. Derivatives: insufflation n. Etymology: LL… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 53Martian Manhunter — The Martian Manhunter by artist Alex Ross. Publication information Publisher …


  • 54ábláwan — sv/t7 3rd pres áblǽwþ past ábléow/on ptp ábláwen to blow, blow away, breathe, breathe upon; to puff up, swell …

    Old to modern English dictionary

  • 55inspire — verb (inspired; inspiring) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French & Latin; Anglo French inspirer, from Latin inspirare, from in + spirare to breathe Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to influence, move, or guide by divine or… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 56aspire — aspirer, n. aspiringly, adv. /euh spuyeur /, v.i., aspired, aspiring. 1. to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, esp. for something great or of high value (usually fol. by to, after, or an infinitive): to aspire after literary… …


  • 57adhalate — † adhalate, v. Obs. 0 [f. L. adhālāt ppl. stem of adhālā re to breathe upon.] ‘To breathe or blow on.’ Cockeram 1626 …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 58River Duddon — The Duddon is a river of north west England. It rises at a point 1289 feet (393 m) above sea level near the Three Shire Stone at the highest point of Wrynose Pass (gbmapping|NY277028). The river descends to the sea over a course of about 15 miles …


  • 59insufflate —   v.t. blow on or into; breathe upon.    ♦ insufflation, n.    ♦ insufflator, n …

    Dictionary of difficult words

  • 60Breathed — Breathe Breathe (br[=e][th]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Breathed} (br[=e][th]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Breathing}.] [From {Breath}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. I am in health, I breathe. Shak. [1913 Webster]… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English