Be active

  • 111Active Bat — is a low power, wireless indoor location system accurate up to 3 cm. It is based on a principle of trilateration, and relies on multiple ultrasonic receivers embedded in the ceiling and measures time of flight to them.Active Bat is an indoor… …


  • 112Active Trader (magazine) — Active Trader is a monthly financial magazine that features strategies, analysis and news for active traders and investors. It is published by Bob Dorman and edited by Mark Etzkorn. It is a major publication for members of the trading and hedge… …


  • 113Active immunization — is the induction of immunity after exposure to an antigen. Antibodies are created by the recipient and may be stored permanently.Active immunization can occur naturally when a microbe or other antigen is received by a person who has not yet come… …


  • 114Active contour — Active Contour, also called Snakes, is a framework for delineating an object outline from a possibly noisy 2D image.This framework attempts to minimize an energy associated to the current contour as a sum of an internal and external energy:*The… …


  • 115Active Reef — (coord|63|23|S|55|52|W|) is an isolated reef lying in the Firth of Tay, just off the north coast of Dundee Island. Discovered and named by Thomas Robertson, master of the Active , one of the ships of the Dundee whaling expedition of 1892 93. The… …


  • 116Active recall — is a principle of efficient learning, which claims the need to actively stimulate memory during the learning process. It contrasts with passive review, in which the learning material is processed passively (e.g. by reading, watching, etc.).For… …


  • 117Active Shape Model — Active Shape Models (ASM) sind eine von Cootes und Taylor entwickelte Methode der Bildverarbeitung. Sie sind eine Erweiterung zu den Snakes von Kass, Witkin und Terzopoulos, weshalb sie auch als Smart Snakes bezeichnet werden. ASM repräsentieren… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 118Active Directory Service Interfaces — (abrégé en ADSI) est une bibliothèque logicielle fournissant une interface de programmation de Microsoft basée sur le modèle COM et permettant aux programmeurs de lire et manipuler le contenu d un Active Directory. Portail de la sécurité… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 119Active desktop — est une fonctionnalité de Microsoft Windows apparue avec la version 98. Elle permet d afficher, en fond d écran, une page web ou des applications actives (horloge, cartes météo, ...) un peu à la manière des widgets sous Mac OS. Si le navigateur… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 120Active server pages — Pour les articles homonymes, voir ASP. Active Server Pages (ASP) est une technologie développée par Microsoft utilisée dans la programmation Web. C est une technologie web dynamique, équivalente et concurrente de PHP. Elle nécessite pour… …

    Wikipédia en Français