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Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
Hrvatski jezični portal. 2014.
List of Captain Barbell episodes — Weekly Episode Guide= Week 01: IN THE BEGINNING*May 29 June 2, 2006In a distant future, a time machine hurtles through space. It lands on Earth in the year 1992. Inside are the wife and son of Captain B. Sending them away seems to be the only way … Wikipedia
List of Filipino supervillains — The following is a list of Filipino (pinoy) supervillains, who have either appeared in Filipino comic books, television shows (fantaserye), or movies.List of Filipino SupervillainsA* Adobe (a.k.a. Ador) , supervillain from (Captain Barbell, 2006… … Wikipedia
Ernst Gumlich — Ernst Carl Adolf Gumlich (* 23. April 1859 in Ahorn; † 12. Februar 1930 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Physiker. Sein Vater Johann Karl Ernst Gumlich (* 1816) war Pfarrer in Heldrich und Ahorn und ab 1868 Oberpfarrer von Neustadt.[1] Er studierte… … Deutsch Wikipedia